How does stress affect my body?
Roots to Breath, Dona Anderson
Affects of Stress - Google stress and how it affects us! In a couple of minutes you can make quite a list from physical symptoms to emotional and behavioral symptoms and everything in between. In just a few minutes I had over 60 so I stopped looking for more as I was feeling depressed (one of the symptoms)
In looking at the list I can see a few that I have had to deal with. I remember my how my lower back was and still is a great place for stress to visit frequently, I checked off worry, frustration, digestive disorders, fatigue, mood changes, headaches, jaw and muscle tension, and weight gain to list a few.
If we have a few of these how do we then escape the accumulative affects that interfere with our daily work, home, and family life?
How do we take back our health and wellness?
How do we bring balance back into our lives and breathe?
Medical research shows us more and more how stress is a link to so many illnesses and personal changes, I even saw articles saying it is a silent killer. So that is why I try to keep learning and sharing what I can. I am finding that the more I present things to others the more I get someone talking and thinking. Often they don't realize what is bothering them or they're maybe wanting to change but are not sure of what to do or how to do it. And sometimes they don't realize that a few small changes can make a big difference!
This post is a request to us all!
Dona Anderson |
What if we all got fed up with the stress in our lives and did something positive to make a change. What if we could easily make a huge difference with a few small changes!
What if we extended a safe place out to others where we could honestly talk, listen, exchange ideas, respect and value each other, and maybe ask for help or offer help to others. What if we talked more about change, easy things we can change, how we could do it. What if we could just get some ideas flowing that could be workable and maintainable.
Imagine how you'd feel if you noticed a change in the air, felt life opening up, or you heard someone take a deep breath and then relax a bit today, then a bit more tomorrow and the next day.
What if you could cross off some of those items on that list that affect you
and say, no, not here any more!
If you're interested in guided breathing, relaxation and meditation check out my book.
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