Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Susan David - The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage TED

Emotional Courage

Dona Anderson

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We all have stories, some shared, some not and others may remain hidden forever yet affect our days and years.

It does take courage to work through all the stages of recovery, acceptance, grief or whatever it may be in our life.

Photo & Message by Dona.
I remember 20+ years ago a friend at work needed time to go to a counselor and she felt ashamed that she needed help.  I told her she was very brave, and I was proud of her. It took a lot of courage back then to make that appointment.

Our self care/wellness is very important not only for each of us but also for who we interact with - our family, friends, co workers, who we talk to and our actions in all parts of our day and life.

Each of us has our own triggers & emotions that show up at different times for us to learn from and respect.

I found this Ted Talk a while ago and thought it might help now ... 

Have a listen.

I loved the change in words near the end 
from I am to I'm noticing.

Please Take care.

New posts every Tuesday.

Links for sharing below.

You may know someone who needs help or just a listener.

Sawubona, I want to remember
 & learn from this great word.

I'll find out more about it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Yo-Yo Ma - Meditation (J.Massenet)

Yo-Yo Ma
for You today.

Dona Anderson

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When you hear his His name you know
something beautiful is coming ...

As a new Cello beginner I appreciate this even more.

In my imagination, I feel the notes and movements of the bow where those sweet sounds are played.

Please Enjoy this peaceful music and slideshow.

So Relaxing,
feels like a Lullaby
that I didn't want to end.

So I played it over and over.

Thanks for helping me spread Wellness
around the World

Links for sharing below.

Please Take Care.

I know what I'll be doing
for many years to come -
Practice Practice Practice.

Sending my Hearts deepest wishes out to
everyone to please stay well.

thought I'd add in this video
from 2019 Summer of Music

Their conversation was so right - 

Hold on to those "Old Friends"

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Quote by Maya Angelou guides us into Spring!

Wonderful words of Wisdom ...

Dona Anderson

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MY Photo - Love Vancouver Island BC

"The happy heart runs with 
the river,
floats on the  air,
lifts to the music,
soars with the eagles,
hopes with the prayers."
~Maya Angelou~

It's the Perfect time to share this quote.

Our Spring season starts in a few days and it's already an exciting time of year.  

We have a gradual arrival to spring over several months as new flowers appear and I always love when it's cherry blossom time.

It's getting warmer out so the Rivers will be happily flowing as the winter snow melts in the mountains.

The Air is mixed with the scents of Spring flowers as they take their turns blooming in a rainbow of colors

Music is all around as the birds start singing to let us know it's morning and they seem to be happily welcoming back their friends after the winter away.  

And I'm sure our Eagles are busy getting nests ready.   I always love to see them high in the sky or resting in a tree.  

Our Heart is happy!

Thanks for your visit today.

It's amazing how fast the year is going but I always love Springtime here.

Lots of flowers to come over the next few months, lettuce is growing in the green house, gardens being prepared and more daylight. 💚

More about Spring to enjoy 
at this link to - Treasures of Springtime

What's your favorite
Spring Flower?

Thanks for your visit and for Sharing at the links below

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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Fred Rogers: Look for the Helpers

Mr Rogers x 2

Did you see the Movie
Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood?

If so, you may remember the message I'm sharing below.

And while searching for that it I found this video so I had to share both.

Two messages for us today.
Dona Anderson

I didn't get to see Mr. Rogers TV show but I knew it was important for little ones

and, for some reason I HAD to see the movie.

Tom Hanks did a wonderful job.  

Here's the message, say it slow like he did.

“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. 

When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. 

The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone.

― Fred Rogers

Here's the video, Look for the Helpers

I also like this video. 

Both let us feel that there's Hope.

Thank You Mr. Rogers
& Thanks for your visit today.
Links for sharing below.
Check out the Web version
to see the labels and archives.

A new word I learned recently from a Ted Talk I have scheduled in a few weeks is Sawubona from South Africa which is to say Hello but also goes deeper into saying I see you and more which is something I think Mr Rogers was about.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Forgotten Post - Found

Or, I should say a Post from the Past 

Dona Anderson

Subscribe to Dona Anderson by Email

I've been wanting to write a post about Yoga off the Mat, the knowing that what comes up on the mat influences your life off the mat and guess what - I already did so I'm sharing it again today with you.

For some reason I kept remembering the title Awareness as a post so I went back, way... back through the posts to find it and see what I said. 

A look into my Past. Way Back.

Wow - this is From October 2011 - my post titled Awareness
Photo added for this post.

Message from Simply, One Breath At a Time
A few months ago I was asked what I blog posted about, was it things from my book and I answered no.  

This was a great question and at the time I guess it really seemed odd to the person and to me that I would answer no.  I had to think about an answer then replied, I think it has been more about increasing awareness. 

So later I looked for a theme and presence/awareness was what seemed to be more often repeated.  

I never used to have much awareness, I just went about my life with the busyness of home, family, and work.  I guess I have to again attribute my change to yoga.  

That’s when I started noticing more things, paying more attention, noticing the space in between and leaving room for the space.  

To me, Yoga is not just about what you do on the mat, it’s also a place to learn more about yourself. It’s a place to accept, nurture, improve upon, and it’s about what you then take out into the world. 

I found that instead of just wanting to do something, I started doing something, then finding more things that I could do, and one thing led to another.

I was encouraged on a deeper level to grow, move forward, sit in the front, talk to people, be comfortable with who I am,  to succeed on my terms with my limitations, and to enjoy even more how I dance and sing even when someone is watching. 

Lots of times I still get confused with myself because I don’t know how to process what I’m doing, getting into, or where it’s leading me. 

Then awhile ago,
I was reading a yoga teachers blog post about how the many middle and beyond aged ladies she was meeting despite their varying stories and challenges were now experiencing funnel shaped lives.

They were expanding their interests, passions, wisdom, fun and using their talents for inspiring others wherever they could. 

This was interesting and maybe reflects some of what I’m doing as well.

l used to think we were supposed to be our best when we were younger, but I like this approach better as I think I was just in training then to prepare me to now seek out and enjoy the other things that can come into and fill the rest of my life.  

I’ve been telling myself lately that I am happily broadening and expanding myself and it has nothing to do with the size of my waist or hips!

I guess I'll have to figure what my answer to that question would be now all these years later. 

As always, I really appreciate your visit
and links below for sharing.

Here's the link to another post
about Yoga for the Soul.

If you  haven't YET - is today the day

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