Thank You!
for these Success Stories!
Thanks so much to those who have supported me and who made these wonderful comments.
The purpose of these meditations and relaxations is to go out into the world and be used, shared and enjoyed by others.
Simply, One Breath At a Time

* Dona put her heart and soul into composing these meditative thoughts, the carefully chosen words, the succinct phrasing, the wonderful sense of grounding and presence. I like Dona's urging to give yourself time to be and not do ... to listen... to respond.
I think the whole world needs this insight into ourselves and the way she expresses these meditations, in speaking the language of the heart and the language of the breath is accessible to anyone.
I liked the spiral format of this book, easy to read sitting in bed, making notes in the margins.
* Your book is amazing. I am a Yoga instructor and it will be used lots in my classes. It is very well written and I feel blessed that I received it as a gift. Thank you for sharing your Love & Light.
* I love your Book and I know it will be a rich resource when I start teaching. Thank you for the love and effort you put into its making. I am grateful to own a copy.
* Chapter after chapter of Love and beautiful writing.
* Thank you for sharing your beautiful words with the world.
* It's brilliant - what a wonderful book to have on hand to do relaxations with classes or friends, or people who are not well and really for just about anything.
* I am really enjoying browsing your meditation book in the mornings before going into meditation – very inspiring!!! Thank you for sharing your Light with the world in that way!!!
* You really got down to earth and wrote very useful aides - you really found a way to keep me reading.
* Your book has actually taken my breath away.
* I have been trying out some of the breathing exercises - they really relax you.
* I use the book all the time for my guided meditation at my yoga practice.
* I used the book to read to my pre teen one evening, I just opened it up and read what was there, we both felt better and enjoyed the rest of the evening.
* I love to read a few lines in the quiet of the early morning when I get up.
* Remember the story we read to you about freckles and wrinkles....I love your wrinkles.
* I have done the walking meditation, it was very enjoyable. It is challenging to begin a new habit, but I plan to persevere.
* I wish you much success and hope many people benefit from your work.
Moving Forward from the Heart

What a great resource for yoga teachers who may be looking for variations and new ideas for their guided relaxations." Kathy Beliveau Yoga instructor, and author of The Yoga Game series of fun and inspiring children’s books.

As I read through her book, my favorite is My Breath. I also thought how good it would feel to share with a friend – or two or three – as you begin or continue to commit to a meditation practice”. Reverend Rachel Dyck, Reiki Master/Teacher Usui System of Natural Healing (Usui Shiki Ryoho)
" A perfect measure of thought and reflection, combined with positive affirmation and clear, concise methods of action.When applied with conscious effort, Dona’s meditations successfully guide the reader through their own journey of enlightenment and spiritual up-levelling.
Moving Forward from the Heart can be picked up and utilized at any time of the day, when a boost of calm is sometimes so necessary when going through our busy days. Johanna Socha, Publisher, Island Gals Magazine"
Hello Dona, "There are many, many things I like about this book. It is
not one to read quickly but left close to wherever you sit, each page to be
absorbed and treasured, spent time with, like a good friend.
Both of your books, "Moving Forward..." and "Simply..." would be instrumental to those in the throes of stress...
even the format is conducive to slowing down a revved-up metabolism... for
example, the multi-faceted print fonts; the captioning of key ideas, thoughts,
as in #12 Moksana; a page every now and then with just a few select words for
thought... the arrangement of profound material in snapshots makes it easier to
absorb. Although I'm not a novice to this mode of consciousness, I know those
who are and need to proceed slowly to lay a solid foundation. I like the way
you began on a personal note, seems a more sincere way to create trust, i.e. p.
11-12 Lost to Found and the Lost and Found poem.
And I like the relaxed way you introduced the chakras, which
I consider fundamental to understanding the design of body, mind, and spirit, a
hierarchy of levels all of which are connected.
Some special favourites:
#15 One Last Day.... and the advice to leave time and space
to dream your dreams. (I spend a lot of time just dreaming.)
#17 Who Are You Now?.... especially "everything
in our life is a gift to help us find out who we are." When one has had a
painful childhood, through neglect or abuse, it is hard a first to see the
trauma as a gift but with time, and help, one can see how it made (or can make)
one into a stronger person. To me, it's of the utmost importance to find out
who you are, like the ancient slogan above Plato's Academy "Know
Thyself." Another gem of ancient wisdom is "The unexamined life is
not worth living."
I like the emphasis on the breath, eg. p.66, "to
reconnect your to heart, to feel the power, the nourishment..."
and p. 96 "breath creates space to hold stillness,
silence, and courage."
I adore #32: "imagine yourself as a tree... bending in
the wind" (in one of my poems, I wrote "tree that I am..."
p.110... like this image "the silence in pauses
between the inhale and the exhale...".... remind me of one my favourite
quotes: "The music is not in the notes but in the silence in
between." Mozart
p.121.... love the Magic poem... and the Tree House
meditation on p.122
p.150.."My Breath"... like the rhythm and the
And I loved the quotes from Rumi and Carl Jung, have been
fascinated by the life stories of each for years. And I love your last
poem"you become the breath / the breath becomes you..,"
In just a few words, it's a lovely book. It's obvious that a
lot of care and thought went into your presentation. The are many books out
there on meditation but I would say "Moving Forward..." is one of the
best, so readable, so accessible, so uplifting.
PS... and thank you as well for the "Permission to
Rest" CD. Beautiful. Trance-inducing. The guitar and bass violin and sax
mesmerize. Also.... it was nice to hear your voice!"
The information on this Blog is for general purposes only to assist in your quest for Relaxation, Meditation and Well-being. It does not represent any medical advice or treatment of any kind.