Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Row Row Row Your Boat | Super Simple Songs

Remember this Song!

Dona Anderson

Simple and easy to remember and fun to do in rounds

It also has a great meaning.

I recorded the PBS tribute show, The Forever Wisdom of Dr. Wayne Dyer
quite a while ago and have watched it several times.

The show has lots of clips taken from various shows he did over the years. Seems funny to see the changes in sets, audience and Dr. Dyer as well.

In one of the clips he mentioned this song. 

One we've all probably sang many times.

It only has 4 lines but He gave it a meaning that I never connected to before.

Row Row Row your boat - He talked about to row your Boat in life not someone else's.

Gently down the stream - down stream not up, go with the flow, save your energy.

Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily - enjoy your life

Life is but a Dream

Something to think about...

I have to add this in.

A couple of months ago I was at a Rotary book sale and I found Dr. Dyer's first book Your Erroneous Zones!

I was so excited to bring it Home! 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Wellness Messenger at it Again

One Rose Wellness Message

Dona Anderson

Subscribe to Dona Anderson by Email

When One Rose will do ...

Dona's Dream - help others and send wellness out into the world. 

I picked this message to share with You today.

Messages are from the pages of Simply, One Breath At a Time.

Thank You for sharing this message to help others!

As you relax and soften your whole body,

sense a feeling of dissolving, melting, letting go ...

Love this one!

You can do this.

Take a few  moments just for you.

Breathe in and out a couple of times.

Relax and soften your back, shoulders, arms, hands, legs ...

Relax you whole body and mind ...

As you Breathe, sense a feeling of 

your whole body, 


Melting  ...

Letting Go ...

Say the message again & RELAX a few more minutes ...

Are you feeling like a rag doll now?

Info on One Rose Wellness Cards and other products here.

Just Breathe

Thanks for Sharing this Wellness Message 
with others at the links below.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Moving from Lost to Found

Do You ever Feel Lost?

Start to change your Future ... 

Dona Anderson
Subscribe to Dona Anderson by Email

Dona Anderson - message from
 Simply, One Breath at a Time

I'm sharing with you today an excerpt from my book Moving Forward from the Heart. 

It's about how in our busy lives we sometimes lose or forget about those small things, the little things that make our hearts sing and feeds our Soul.

If you're a regular visitor to this blog you will have noticed that Yoga, the poses and especially the Guided Relaxation time got me back in touch with so much of Life.

It created the pause that let the little things back into my life that were missing after years of rushing and managing the bigger things.

10 Ways to Change Lost to Found

A moment for reflection: 

I wrote the following poem, Lost and Found, shortly after I finished my first book, Simply, One Breath At a Time.

I needed to write something about what the 65 guided relaxations/meditations meant to me - what I saw, thought, felt, experienced, and most of all what I found in its pages.

After reading each of the relaxations in the book many times through its creation and in using it since, I am still very grateful for all the things they continue to bring to my life.

I continue to hear whispers for change, growth and I am reminded about the wonders of life that are found in the breath, nature, treasures, gratitude, stillness and so much more.  

I wanted to share this with you and I am positive this book, Moving Forward from the Heart, will also encourage us to open our minds, body, hearts and breath up even further to the many wonderful gifts that are ours to explore, enjoy and share each day.

Lost and Found

Lost myself
Found out what’s important and brings me joy

Lost track of time
Found the now in the present moment

Lost imagination
Found treasures, gifts, paradise, nature

Lost comfort
Found softness from letting go, and smiling

Lost paying attention
Found myself choosing to be aware

Lost appreciation
Found feelings of fullness from gratitude

Lost awareness
Found time to see, hear, feel, and connect

Lost my breath
Found a nourishing breath flowing within me

Lost a quiet mind
Found that I can slow down thoughts and rest

Lost peace
Found a safe place for me to open up my heart.

Moving Forward from the Heart
Copyright ©2015 ~ Dona Anderson

Love it when you Share with others at the Links below.

for more information

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Brené Brown on Empathy

What does Empathy mean to You?

Dona Anderson

If unsure, listen to this Video

The cartoon characters in this short video help explain the
meaning and difference between Empathy and Sympathy.

I love it when we get thinking & understanding in new ways.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Fed Up 2014

Important Information -

You've probably already heard it all.

But ...

That Selective Hearing always messes things up.

Dona Anderson

After watching the video from Marie Forleo and Dr Mark Hyman I posted on April 11, about Functional Medicine I watched this movie they spoke about. 

Yes, I've heard most of the information before but it always helps hearing it over and over.

Like reminder advertising.  

Some very surprising information.  

After, I thought of a few little shifts I could do to eat better that turned into a new recipe for breakfast the next day.

Earlier I had watched Dr Hyman on a Dr Oz show where he talked about making this cold green tea drink with other things in it to have first thing in the morning to help the brain. I have been faithfully having that as well.  (I Need all the Brain Help I can get) 

Good news, I like the ginger, lemon and other things in the tea and I think it helps my IBS!!!!!!!!

Anyway, check this out when you have time.  

I will watch the video again in a few months or a rainy day to keep me working on maintaining at least some of my good habits.