Tuesday, March 30, 2021

It feels like now is the time to share this.

 Find out why.

Love this ...

Dona Anderson 

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Leo Buscaglia quote

I saw this quote and knew it was about You.


It Feels that now is the time
to share it.

Why because I've felt its truth and spoke about this many times.

Our lives are always affected by those around us, who interact with us and who offer their Gifts to us in many ways.

It can be a smile given by a stranger, a few extra minutes to listen, a hand to hold or help.

Perhaps it's a phone call to see if you're OK, a knock at the door, a card in the mail.

A moment shared for a Smile or a Laugh that are gifts to both the giver and the receiver.

It can be a book to borrow, a cup of tea, a few homemade cookies, soup or whatever it is - the lists goes on and on.

Take a look and see yourself
as both the receiver and the giver.

"The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world.

There will most likely be no ticker-tape parades for us, no monuments created in our honor.

But that does not lessen our possible impact, for there are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our unique talents.

Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring...”
Leo Buscaglia

Thank You for all that you do.

PS. It's also wonderful that often it's the smallest gifts that can mean the most and let others know they are seen, welcomed, needed and cared about.

Here's an earlier post that is one of my top 3 and
relates to this beautifully.

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with others out into the World.

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New posts every Tuesday.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

10 ways to have a better conversation | Celeste Headlee

When did you last have

a good conversation?

Interesting Ted Talk

Dona Anderson

Communication has definitely changed in many ways the last 20 years or so and this last year with the pandemic even more things came to help us manage in the closures and isolation.

It's amazing all the You tube videos, Zoom, on line courses  pod casts + that take us away from the loss of personal connections to being able to connect through computers, phones etc. 

How often do you think about how you communicate, listen and interact with others or even how you do it or has it now just become kind of automatic.

How long is your attention span ... in person, on a device.

Are you at work, home, commuting, watching a movie.

How engaged are you in that conversation and how many interruptions occur or other things that seek your attention. 

Have a listen.  

She shares 10 ways to help us.  

Lets See how many get our attention.

I never really thought of all this before but now I will.

Are there any of  her 10 ways that You connected with more than others.  

PS are you a listener or the talker.

I like her ending - prepare to be amazed.

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Have a great day.

I guess my photo should say,
Who is talking - Who is Listening.

bye for now.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Josh Groban - Bridge Over Troubled Water (Live from Madison Square Garden)

Why Wait
do it now.

Dona Anderson

I found this video a while back and when I saw this day without a post yet, I did the deed and made it for today.

I don't know how many times I find something wonderful like this and it sits around for a while - so I said to myself, I think someone needs it now.

Josh Groban is wonderful and this is an amazing group of musicians.


Fills the Heart.

Photo from March 2020

PS. this photo is from the Harbor where we live. A wonderful year round place to go for or a walk, rest or to just enjoy the fresh air.  

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over 650 in the Archives for you to
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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

It's Easy - You Can Do it.

 A Fill in the blanks Meditation.

Dona Anderson

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From Moving Forward from the Heart 

I thought I'd do another True Treasures post. 

Using the Meditation Say to Yourself  #10 on page 36 

By adding a few words you can make your own unique  Meditation and change it around whenever You want to fit your day, how you feel or whatever You need at the time.

           You can just do 1, 2 or all 3.

              Each time it's your choice.

Say to Yourself

As I discover the process of listening to my __________

My ________

becomes more full and richer.

As I observe my _________

and __________

I feel ready to __________

and allow ___________

into my life and my ____________

As I let go of __________

and bring _________

and _____________

into my life,

I also bring in ____________

and the gift of ____________

Here's lots of words to Help get you started.

Awareness Love Life Peace New Time Stress Struggles Worry Wellness Adventure, Nature Feelings Attitude Stories Thoughts Dreams Smiles Gratitude Presence Hope Choices Help Happiness Self Care Habits Frustration Fitness Personal Mistakes Future Days Mindfulness Space Relaxation Strength Joy Solutions Contentment Satisfaction Happiness Celebrate Joy Positivity Rest Recover Invest Play Meditation Healing Help Relief Gifts Fun Pride Learning Stop Change Avoid Abundance Treasures Breath Calm Succeed Stillness Connect Support Freedom Satisfy Focus Gentle Expand Normal Slowly Be Comfort Speak Worthy Courageous Enough Kind Valuable Strong Powerful Resourceful Blessed

WOW that didn't take long - lots of things to pick.

PS. Have Fun with it.

You get to create Your unique Meditation just for you and some days you may want to focus on different things in your life so Have Fun.

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in the Archives to view and share at your leisure.

BYE for now.  

Take Care

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Sorry, the words to help above are not in the book.

Moving Forward from the Heart

  Dona Anderson © 2010