Tuesday, October 27, 2020

We all need these ...

Quiet moments, 

Where do you find Yours?

Dona Anderson
Subscribe to Dona Anderson by Email

One Rose Wellness Message

for you today

There's nothing

 for  you to do,


nowhere for

 you to go,

Simply surrender
to this

quiet moment ...

Do you have Quiet moments?

Where do you find them and for how long?

How do they make You feel? 

Perhaps yours is being away from cars, street noise, machines and being with calming sounds like music, waves, birds or whatever it is for You.

Quiet time also changes over the years as you age and your work & family life changes. 

It can even change through the seasons from outside to inside spaces.

Quiet time also helps connect us to feelings of peace, satisfaction, being grateful and contentment - a word I'm learning more about.

Where do you get your
 special moments.

One Rose Wellness Cards

There's lots of different things to do to relax, reduce stress and support your Health.  
It might start with just focusing on your Breath for a few minutes.

Take Care.

One Rose Wellness Cards are a set
of 105 Messages all from the pages
of  Simply, One Breath At a Time.
Thanks for Your visit.

Links below for sharing, Thank You.
Hope you'll sign up to get email
 notifications of new posts.

Find more posts for One Rose Messages
at the label below, One Rose Cards

PS. My TV quiet moments is on the CBS Sunday Morning show where they end with a few moments in Nature every week. It's been a favorite for many years. Love it. 💚

I hope you like my photo above - very peaceful and quiet. - leave a comment and tell us about your quiet spaces.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

What's your Female Story about

The Female Journey.

A look at the Ladies today.

Dona Anderson

Marianne Williamson wrote in her book The Age of Miracles ...
"Denying care to oneself doesn't translate into care for others. A women taking care of herself - both in body and in spirit - is part of her participation in a wild and wonderful female adventure.  That adventure is emotional, intellectual, spiritual and sexual."

Each one of you will have your own memories and story about being a daughter, perhaps a sister, a teenager, friend, cousin, aunt, girlfriend, fiancee, wife, mother, grandmother.

And you may have also been part of these - Health Care, Education, Science, Art, Music, Retail, Service, Construction, Farming, Restaurants, Fashion, Finance, Computers, Essential Services, Government, Acting, Inventor and the many others.

Living life means you learn, grow and become.

You learn about your inside self - what makes you tick, be happy, comfortable and excited,

You learn how to interact with others, what to say, how to dress, be yourself.

You learn about your body and all it's changes as you grow and age.

You'll learn about your feelings, emotions and thoughts - what they are and how to manage them. 

You learn about the many different hats you'll wear while exploring your passions and even the things you're good at or not.

And as time goes on you'll also learn about what you like & don't like, how you love and what to believe in.  

This is your unique adventure.

A huge part of this one is that your feelings, emotions, thoughts and beliefs also change over time.

That gives you thoughts and memories of Then and Now. 

This is the journey of life.

The adventure and journey in each of us is unique, remarkable and built on how and where we find places to breathe, learn, share & help others.  

Looking back on my adventure and journey I'm happy that life was full and now is a quiet time to reflect and breathe more deeply.

There's much to share and opportunities to create my life doing things I want to do.

This is another between time - time before whatever it is that comes later ...

and I'm going to Enjoy it.

Please enjoy Your Now time too.

Visit the Resources page for
ways to Relax, be inspired
reduce Stress & Breathe.

new posts every Tuesday,
My Gifts to You.

PS. this seemed liked a perfect place
 to share this quote with you.

“The real gift in life is in giving to others. 

We have the power and the  means to make a positive difference in someone else's life every single day. 

Whether you offer a smile to a passer-by, or pay for a stranger's coffee or donate your time to help others, giving makes us feel so good!”

Louise Hay

Thank you Louise Hay.

Our sharing helps spread gifts of Wellness 

to others around the world everyday.

Take Care

Links for sharing below.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Ashokan Farewell from the film "The Civil War" by Jay Ungar

Beautiful Music 

by this Youth Orchestra

Dona Anderson
Subscribe to Dona Anderson by Email

I was introduced to this piece late last year after I started learning to play the Cello.

It's very soothing and the Youth Orchestra is inspirational and makes me wonder what they'll be doing in their future.

I hope it's Music

There're more variations on You Tube
for you to pick your favorite.

Take Care & have a wonderful week.

Hope you'll visit again next week.

I have a lot of practicing to do in my future.

PS. Thank you for your help in Sharing Everyday Wellness with others.
Links below.

Once You Share they go from my Gifts to Our Gifts!

Fall is definitely Here.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

What is Your Stress level telling You.

Please Take Care of YOU

What does that mean to you.

How do You take care of yourself ...

Stress even affects how we look and age. 

Another post for your

Wellness Toolbox.
Dona Anderson

Let's start today with a 
few moments to Relax.  

Soften your shoulders,
your back ... your hands ... and face ...

Soften your breath to allow it to move 
through your whole body and mind
 letting go of Stress and moving
towards Relaxation.

A One Rose and message is waiting for you when
you feel ready.

A November Rose from 2 years ago.

Feel the Simplicity of this time  to rest and be with your breath a simple precious gift ...

Each Breath is our most precious Gift.

It's with us every day, every hour, every minute ...

 it becomes our friend, our teacher, our companion.

Please take care of You as your whole body breathes

 in Gratitude, Patience and Love.

Wellness Resources

Feel the Simplicity of this time  to rest
 and be with your breath
 a simple precious gift ...

One Rose Wellness cards is a set
of 105 messages all from the pages
Thank You for your visit and
for sharing with others as we
spread Wellness around the
World. Links below.
Where in the World will we travel to this week?

Use the label One Rose Cards below
to find more similar posts.
PS. I hope you'll subscribe to get your
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