Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Would this be a Challenge for You?

Winters in Sweden

Learning to live with the light & the darkness

 & loving the differences in the seasons

This Amazing video captures so much beauty.

Her soothing voice & story lets us come along and feel the love in her for the mountains, rivers, stars and forests.

The world offers us so much variety in nature, climate and lifestyles choices in the different locations. 

I didn't know about all the information she shared and I'm glad to have seen this and wanted to share it with you.

Her view of the stars and northern lights are wonderful. I wonder what people centuries ago thought about them. 

PS. I think I'd have a really hard time doing an ice bath but they're suppose to be good.  Burr ....

Thanks for your visit and links for sharing below.

I wonder where in the World we'll travel to this week,  

perhaps Sweden! 

Take care and have a great day.

New posts on Tuesdays

Our snow a few weeks ago.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Loss & Rebuilding

 So much heartbreak.

Dona Anderson

Struggling new parents and then this. 

The Loss 

We had a fire that took the first home in our married life.

We were young, poor and bought an older home because the mortgage payments back then were less than paying rent to live in someone's basement.

We borrowed the money for the down payment from a relative, got some used furniture and set up house in March. 

On Good Friday the following year it was  gone.

In a post last month, I wrote about waking up Christmas morning and  our oil tank being empty and this happened 3 months later. 

We were out most of the day as family was in town for the Easter weekend and the oil furnace didn't shut off and started a fire.

We had our baby daughter and leaving home that day with just the diaper bag was all we had left. 

Suddenly our lives had a major change.

Sometimes life gives us a setback that offers a bigger struggle than before.

But the best gift was that we were ok.


Thankfully we were able to spend some time at my parents before moving on and starting over again. 

In looking back I guess that's maybe the reason I had to go straight home everyday from work, or seeing that first glimpse of our home still there after a vacation was always a huge weight to let go of.

Often it takes years to find out & notice the little changes and things we do unconsciously after a crisis, illness or whatever it was.

but, How do you rebuild a neighborhood.

Luckily we had no loss of life and a home can change locations, or be rebuilt but how do you rebuild a neighborhood that is made up of many memories, families, friends, neighbors schools and more ...

Every time I see the fires, storms, or other disasters in the news I think about all the terrible loss, about being there, the survivors and what they will go through over the days & years ahead.

How do they start over ...

PS. I hope this wasn't a sad post today but I know a lot of us are stressed and feeling the stress of others.  

Let's help when we can by donating & supporting shops and other places that assist in providing free or low cost items that are needed especially in emergency situations. 

And don't forget the animals who lost their home too.

Last years winter pansies.
Love the face on the top one.

Please support the emergency responders who run towards helping and not away from ...

Thanks for you visit today. 

New posts every Tuesday.

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Over 650 past posts in the Archives that you can view & share.

Bye for today.  

Let's get Back together again next Tuesday or any day in the Archives. 

Here's a post from last summer to help you relax and enjoy 9 beautiful places from around the world

Lucy & Kelsie on neighborhood watch.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Discover your simple Lullaby of Peace

 A True Treasures post for you today.

Let's focus on stuff we can change.

Today We're connecting to the 

meditation, Lullaby of Peace.

Moving Forward from the heart,  # 42, page 105. 

Dona Anderson

Hi and thank You for your visit today. 

As the colder weather of winter is upon us it becomes that time of year when we settle into our homes and catch up on reading, TV shows, and enjoy those jams, pickles, pies and other freezer goodies we made to enjoy over the winter.

It's also a time for letting ourselves observe our day to day lives, our health, wellness and outlook on life.  

It may even be about what  we take out into the World and what we bring back -  is it what we need.

Things are uncertain still and changing for us and it will take time to process these last 2+ years ... what it all meant, what we lost, and what we'll take into the future.

Each one of us will have different things, different memories, feelings, stresses, loss  & more. 

Are you staying at home too much and not wanting to go out.

Are you still feeling the loss of income, friendships, activities, community or those  simple smiles and hello's when you go for a walk.

Are you still wondering if it will start all over again or get worse. 

To Help, I want to share with you today this short Meditation.

I hope it will soften your day, and spread good 
feelings throughout  your whole body & mind.

Lullaby of Peace 

"A musician brings music to life,

it starts from silence, to build, unfold,

reach and release when silence is returned again. 

You bring your breath to life ...

Each breath starts from a place of silence; it builds, unfolds, reaches, and releases when silence again returns.

Let this magical circle of breath go deeper to fill and hold even more ...imagine your organs, bones, skin and muscles all experiencing the different patterns of our breathing ... listen as these patterns become beautiful notes of music being played by your own orchestra.

As you begin to prepare for meditation, allow the music to fade and change slightly as you create soft inner waves of breathing... feel the rhythm of your inhalations and exhalations deepen to become the notes in a smooth, soft lullaby of peace ... 

Settle a bit more and surrender into feelings of being protected within the rhythm of you, your life, your knowing, your stillness and your breath ..."

Listen to these beautiful notes softly

playing your lullaby, your smooth,

soft, sweet notes of peace ..."

Moving Forward from the heart © 2015

PS. I hope you enjoyed these moments to relax, 

Take a few more minutes to be still and observe how your body feels, where your thoughts are.

Enjoy just being still for a few minutes to rest and notice your breaths as your body relaxes.

When you feel ready to restart your day wiggle your toes, stretch out your fingers,  and you may feel like you need a stretch or a big yawn.

Take a couple more breaths and slowly begin to return to your day. 💖

Lastly here's the ending to the meditation

"The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear ~ Rumi


Thanks for your visit.

PS. This is a good post to save and share at the links below.

Have you started building up your Wellness toolbox.

Don't forget the over 650 posts in the Archives for you to view, save & share.

New post on Tuesdays.

Have a good week full of fun, laughter, love and Self Care 

You can link to more True Treasures posts at the

 label True Treasures Below. 😌

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Santa's home safe

 The new year has arrived.

Dona Anderson

Welcome to 2022.

It's been crazy weather here and lots of other places so I hope this weeks post finds you safe and well.

The Christmas decorations are down and boxed up again which as much as I love them is always a joy to get it all put away and hopefully a little less each year.

These pictures are of what I have left of my winter bear collection plus a few others and they will stay on the beds upstairs for a few more weeks.  

My office/computer is up here so I like to bring my friends of many years out to join me.  

A few years ago a young family was visiting and the older daughter asked it she could check out the house - she was about 9. Of course and later she appeared and told me I had too may stuffy's  

To my amazement and defense I replied, I used to have More.

Her voice sounded like the the Mother hoping to let go of old stuff.  I also wanted to say You haven't seen my Christmas ones yet. 

It seemed that in past times of my life when I wasn't well or stressed out, seeing the teddies helped bring some comfort and the blankets fit in nicely with them. 

Glad I have spare rooms to decorate.

What are some of your collections? 

PS. I'm working on new posts for this year but somehow the time flies by so fast my few ahead are soon next in line.

Stay safe and warm. 

Looking forward to the days getting longer with the sun. 

Take Care. 

Stuck in the house & too cold and slippery to go out the mind starts to wander.


I got the dish on the left as a gift. It's actually a candle and smells lovely so for FUN I copied it and made the one on the right with yogurt, orange slice, strawberry & a couple of bay leaves.. 

Candle still safe in kitchen window.

 I had the yogurt the next morning for breakfast

 minus the bay leaves.

Before You go check out the link below.

Here's a post from a couple years ago with beautiful guitar music that I love and hope You will too.