A True Treasures post for you today.
Let's focus on stuff we can change.
Today We're connecting to the
meditation, Lullaby of Peace.
Moving Forward from the heart, # 42, page 105.
As the colder weather of winter is upon us it becomes that time of year when we settle into our homes and catch up on reading, TV shows, and enjoy those jams, pickles, pies and other freezer goodies we made to enjoy over the winter.
It's also a time for letting ourselves observe our day to day lives, our health, wellness and outlook on life.Things are uncertain still and changing for us and it will take time to process these last 2+ years ... what it all meant, what we lost, and what we'll take into the future.
Each one of us will have different things, different memories, feelings, stresses, loss & more.
Are you staying at home too much and not wanting to go out.
Are you still feeling the loss of income, friendships, activities, community or those simple smiles and hello's when you go for a walk.
Are you still wondering if it will start all over again or get worse.
Lullaby of Peace
"A musician brings music to life,
it starts from silence, to build, unfold,
reach and release when silence is returned again.
You bring your breath to life ...
Each breath starts from a place of silence; it builds, unfolds, reaches, and releases when silence again returns.
Let this magical circle of breath go deeper to fill and hold even more ...imagine your organs, bones, skin and muscles all experiencing the different patterns of our breathing ... listen as these patterns become beautiful notes of music being played by your own orchestra.
As you begin to prepare for meditation, allow the music to fade and change slightly as you create soft inner waves of breathing... feel the rhythm of your inhalations and exhalations deepen to become the notes in a smooth, soft lullaby of peace ...
Settle a bit more and surrender into feelings of being protected within the rhythm of you, your life, your knowing, your stillness and your breath ..."
Listen to these beautiful notes softly
playing your lullaby, your smooth,
soft, sweet notes of peace ..."
Moving Forward from the heart © 2015
PS. I hope you enjoyed these moments to relax,
Take a few more minutes to be still and observe how your body feels, where your thoughts are.
Enjoy just being still for a few minutes to rest and notice your breaths as your body relaxes.
When you feel ready to restart your day wiggle your toes, stretch out your fingers, and you may feel like you need a stretch or a big yawn.
Take a couple more breaths and slowly begin to return to your day. 💖
Lastly here's the ending to the meditation
"The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear ~ Rumi
Thanks for your visit.
PS. This is a good post to save and share at the links below.
Have you started building up your Wellness toolbox.
Don't forget the over 650 posts in the Archives for you to view, save & share.
New post on Tuesdays.
Have a good week full of fun, laughter, love and Self Care
You can link to more True Treasures posts at the
label True Treasures Below. 😌
While things around us can still be stressful and confusing at times there is so much to be thankful for. Our power was out a couple of times lately from bad weather and it reminds us of those things that are there for us that often go unnoticed when everything works. Let's think of a few wonderful things that are there for us too like the birds, pictures in the clouds, sunshine, flowers - and smiles, lots of smiles.