Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Let the sparkles of Christmas begin with this favorite song.

A great video for you today.

Bobby McFerrin  

Ave Maria & Bach together.

This is always a Christmas time favorite and this version is a wonderful mix of sounds and voices. Enjoy!

The glacier - so beautiful

Did you sing along too?

That's it for this week.

I shared back in 2019.  

Thanks for your visit today and please visit anytime. 

New Weekly posts on Tuesday and over 600 past posts available
to view save or share in the Archives. 

One of my good friends calls them her Tuesday gifts. 💖

New posts every Tuesday.
Links for sharing below. 

Have a great week ahead.
Bye for now.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Pick one and see what you discover

 It's time for another True Treasures

Dona Anderson

What are true Treasures?

I share a lot from my books and True Treasures became a chance for me to share a bit more from a particular meditation. 

You can see previous True Treasures posts by linking to the label True Treasures at the bottom of the post.

 This one is from Words to Be savored and treasured 

  #27 on page 75 in  Moving Forward from the Heart. 

The meditation starts by asking you to select one thought from the list for your Meditation and see what you discover.

This is not the complete list but you can get a feeling for the intent of the meditation.


*Compliments should not be kept as thoughts, they should be given and also received.

*Some words can mean the same thing, but get a totally different response.

*A friendly greeting or acknowledgement can create a feeling of welcoming and belonging, and let someone know you care.

*Say words that match your happy heart and face.

*Talk about the way you want to be, and use your words to make your dreams come true"


 Dona Anderson © 2015.

More information at this link.

PS. I have to add in the last one,

I love and believe in me.

Beautiful Tilly

Take Care and have a wonderful Day.

Which one did you connect to today? 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Was this a Rule in your House Too?

Hi, thanks for your visit today. 

Dona Anderson 

Is Bed making a daily Challenge in your life?

this video went viral

It starts with our needing to make the bed

when we get up.

One task completed.


Check out the comments for this video.

Growing up we made our bed every morning before breakfast and our walk to school.  No it wasn't the 2 miles up hill in a snow storm kind of walk but we did live on the Prairies and the winter was very cold and windy.

There was no not doing it - one task completed.

We had to come home for lunch (only bused kids could stay at school) and after lunch we had to do the dishes before we left to go back to school. Lunch was the big meal of the day so plates, pots, whatever it was, another task completed. 

We only had human dishwashers and dryers then.

Then later helping with supper and more dishes, another task completed.

Not fair, I was the youngest and later I was the only one left to help Mom.

We never thought about the dishes, ironing, shopping, house work etc. as tasks completed it was just all part of the normal household activities before we could get back to school, start our homework, go play or whatever it was that day/time of year. 

It's funny now looking back how different it was for our kids and us off working and packing the daily lunch or leaving one behind for who's at home. 

It's different now with school meals, commuting and what it is where you live but I think the idea of having age related jobs and helping with making the tasks completed sets a good example for us even from a young age.  

Have a great day and week ahead.

. Yes I still do make the bed everyday.

But sometimes one of our dogs goes for a nap and messes it up.  

Not naming names - Kelsie.

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around the World,

Thank You.

Take Care. 
New posts every Tuesday and
links below for sharing.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Relax and feel yourself being transported to a place of peace


The Sound of Silence 

The Sound of Silence | Simon & Garfunkel (Harp Cover)


Dona Anderson

Thank You beautiful young lady.

When I first heard this version of the song I completely softened and after the last couple of years I guess it was needed.

It was Simple, Beautiful and quickly moved deep into my heart. 

I felt like I had angels from above beside me, and reminded me of the angels I had and have here on earth that I'm very thankful for.

PS. I went searching in my book Moving Forward from the Heart to find a few words to finish off this post. I didn't have to go far to find this ending to the meditation, Lullaby of Peace.

Listen to these beautiful notes softly
playing your lullaby, your smooth
soft sweet notes of peace ...

Moving Forward from the Heart 

Thanks for your visit today and for helping me
share my Dream to send Wellness out into the
World by sharing with others at the links below. 

Have a wonderful Day!

There is another version of this video where a deer came along and scared her. It would have been nice in the video had it stayed back.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Who's the Celebration for?


One Rose Wellness Message

Who's the Celebration for?

It's for You!

Dona Anderson   
from Simply, One Breath At a Time

A Roots to Breath Wellness moment!

I picked this One Rose message to share with you today.

"Celebrate your presence as you
encourage the breath to help you
breathe freely ... "

Celebrate You!

Thank You for sharing these messages to help others!

 How often do you take time to celebrate you, who you are as you are right now?

Allow your next breath to fill your whole wonderful being.  

Let it remove barriers, roadblocks and open up new pathways for the breath to travel. 

We all need reminders and help from time to time to shine a bit brighter. 

Think about each new breath filling you with joy!

What a Celebration!

There's more on Facebook, Dona Anderson, Roots to Breath

Info on One Rose Wellness Cards and more here.

Dona's Dream - to help others and send wellness out into the world.  

Links for sharing with others below.

Thank You for helping me spread Wellness out into the World.

Thanks for your visit, 
new posts every Tuesday.

Check the Archives for past posts.

Over 650 for you to view and share.

Love the colors of these winter pansies.  

"Celebrate your presence as you

encourage the breath to help

you breathe freely ... "