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The best things in life are free ...
We hear those few words a lot,
and they're important ones to remember.
Dona Anderson
Wherever you see friendship, loyalty, laughter and love...they hold a free treasure.
Whenever you see the sunset, walk in a forest of trees, feel the warm summer rain, it is free.
When you feel the love of our family and pets ... it is free.
See the spring Flowers blooming ...the stars in the sky and the birds visiting your yard - it is free.
We may not have a list handy of our favorite things right now and it can change often but what comes up for you right away?

As our world continues to go through tough and disastrous times of stress, conflict dangerous weather, violence tragedies and more, we may need to take a few moments each day to remind ourselves of those best things in our life that are free.
Take care as we head into the joys of Spring.
The little things can add up fast!
Thank You for sharing these posts at the links below to help us travel out into the world and reach others to share a few moments of Wellness.
See my comment below.