Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekend of Friends and Meditation

We were going to go out camping in our little motor home last weekend but one thing led to another and we got two invitations out to friends for supper, and I saw an advertisement for a day of meditation on Sunday at the Buddhist centre.   I had been to a meditation there earlier in the year and welcomed the idea to go again.  This introductory course was about five sacred syllables that correspond to five chakras.

The advertisement said by chanting the sounds and focusing on the chakras location, we develop increasingly open presence with positive qualities.  These qualities were love, compassion, joy, and equanimity.  It said that these qualities then become a support and connection with self, deeper wisdom, and to our existence.

As Sunday was the 10th anniversary of 911, the weekend would also be a time to remember and be aware of the many ongoing struggles still in the world, and how fragile our existence really is. 

The weekend was about connecting to love, compassion, joy, and equanimity, and it was also a time to remind myself to be thankful for all that I have in my life every day, and for all those who are part of my life. 

These positive energies are now with me to continue practicing and experiencing, and I hope the energies we felt and sent out yesterday in our meditation are now travelling to you and throughout the world.  

Four simple yet powerful words...

Love, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity


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