Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tired of being sick and tired

Or is it sick of being sick and tired?

Oh well it's those times when you feel like CRAP

Dona Anderson

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It seems each phase of my life offered different gifts and struggles. 

Different joys, happiness, successes and then the flip side of wondering how to make it through the years of  working, family, moving, health changes and all that entails.

Have you ever said to yourself - I'm tired of being sick and tired.

I'm sure I've said it hundreds to times to myself.

So years ago I decided I had to be more proactive, find balance and make changes in a lot of areas. Eventually it started to come together the best it could and in a way that was manageable.

I'm bad at trying something new for a few times, even liking it but soon it fades away.  It's like I remember from years ago I did walk a lot to keep me moving and every spring I'd see a group of new walkers appear with new runners etc and within a couple of weeks they'd disappear.

Photo message from Simply, One Breath At a time
So here's the deal ...

 We owe it to our self to protect and nourish our body and mind and not live in Stress and Worry.

 We owe it to our self to become aware of what our body, mind and soul is saying and how you react.

 We owe it to our self to manage our health, time, emotions and resources.

 We owe it to ourselves, those we love and who loves us to keep moving forward Celebrating Life and all that it has to offer.

Change isn't easy but when you start to see improvements it becomes easier and sometimes Fun.

Whether it's making a budget, an exercise routine, changing what you say, eat, think, read, watch on TV or whatever You do to make YOUR LIFE Better will be a huge success over time.

I think of it as an investment for the future, 


Don't forget some laughing and smiling time.

Live Gently.

Thank you for helping me pass on my Dream by following and then sharing to help others. 

More on Facebook, Dona Anderson, Roots to Breath

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