Tuesday, February 28, 2017

How Wolves Change Rivers

This is Fascinating

Would you Love to see a Story about Renewal & Survival?

Great Learning

Dona Anderson
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I saw this video a few months ago and saved it to share with You.

We usually hear about destruction and scarcity but this is renewal and survival for many.

Unbelievable how things changed

Watch and discover what can Happen.

Change the future.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Feeling the Winter Blues

Do you get depressed in the Winter?

How do You stay Motivated & Happy in the Winter?

Dona Anderson
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I Love this photo of the Kingfisher sitting in the tree watching the pond - looking for a fish.

Or maybe he's just resting and thinking about where he'll go next.

Dona Anderson

Does winter get you down in the dumps occasionally?

Our weather is quite rainy so it is a good time to plan a vacation to somewhere Warmer and Dryer where the Sun is Shining.

We often need a little extra motivation (kick in the butt)
to get out of bed on these dark mornings.

I'm not sure about you but I also need to observe my thoughts more at this time of year as they can get me grumpy, depressed, sad or wanting to sit like a lump in the chair complaining about something.

I really need those Wellness Minutes

 I mentioned  in this post

We sold our little motor home so we won't be travelling to a warmer, drier, sunnier place so I am being more aware of how my thoughts play a huge part in how I spend my days.

One thing I'm doing is to get out more even if it is raining.  The dogs don't care if it's raining so an extra walk or some kind of outing is good.  Often when I get out I find that it is nicer than I thought so I feel much better after.

I also use Meditation, my writing and several other activities that take me out of my head which really helps pass the time in a good way.

I've been working on trying to present my best self wherever I go, so I decided that this is also just as important to do at home.  Mood Changer.

This little message from my book Moving Forward from the Heart  helps.

"Surround yourself with what you love,
and what you love and give out,
will be what comes back to you ..."

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

You Are The First, My Last, My Everything (Barry White)

Love Song

Had to share for Valentine's Day

Dona Anderson

Enjoy and have a wonderful Valentine's!

While you're here check out the Archives for February 2015 
and you'll find 8 posts dedicated to Heart Awareness Month.

I love the Rumi poem.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Lie We Live

We're suppose to be building a better Future

Unleashing a bit of Frustration

Dona Anderson
Subscribe to Dona Anderson by Email

This is a powerful video.

Many things to think about.

Some Depressing.

Others Hopeful,

If we work together and make Changes.

Sorry Video is not working.

So after watching this and thinking about all the chaos and bad things happening right now I wrote a little Rant here.


Then the next morning, I decided to keep it to myself as each of us who see this video will come up with our own Rant that affects our life locally and globally.

Yes, the World is connecting on a new level and this is huge.

But while we're connecting through our little screens, sometimes we're also disconnecting by not paying attention to those around us, creating walls to keep ourselves feeling safe & separated from others.

Perhaps we're also Staying by ourselves with misinformation, judgments and our individual approval processes, scared to open our doors, go out or travel as our fear mounts.

When this happens - we all suffer together.  

I don't know why countries have been at war for years, or why people don't have clean water or are starving when so much food is thrown out, or why people go out and kill others or animals for sport.

But let's not forget there are thousands/millions of good people out there working very hard to make a difference in whatever way they can by protesting, marching, teaching, building things, giving out food & medicine and so much more.

If you had a Rant  - find something in it that you can do to help make a positive difference to help others, your community or if you want go BIG!

Even visiting someone, making a new friend, giving food away, volunteering, helping someone clean up their yard, smiling and laughing and the list goes on and on makes a difference


I guess I did end up having a bit of a rant after all.