Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Lie We Live

We're suppose to be building a better Future

Unleashing a bit of Frustration

Dona Anderson
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This is a powerful video.

Many things to think about.

Some Depressing.

Others Hopeful,

If we work together and make Changes.

Sorry Video is not working.

So after watching this and thinking about all the chaos and bad things happening right now I wrote a little Rant here.


Then the next morning, I decided to keep it to myself as each of us who see this video will come up with our own Rant that affects our life locally and globally.

Yes, the World is connecting on a new level and this is huge.

But while we're connecting through our little screens, sometimes we're also disconnecting by not paying attention to those around us, creating walls to keep ourselves feeling safe & separated from others.

Perhaps we're also Staying by ourselves with misinformation, judgments and our individual approval processes, scared to open our doors, go out or travel as our fear mounts.

When this happens - we all suffer together.  

I don't know why countries have been at war for years, or why people don't have clean water or are starving when so much food is thrown out, or why people go out and kill others or animals for sport.

But let's not forget there are thousands/millions of good people out there working very hard to make a difference in whatever way they can by protesting, marching, teaching, building things, giving out food & medicine and so much more.

If you had a Rant  - find something in it that you can do to help make a positive difference to help others, your community or if you want go BIG!

Even visiting someone, making a new friend, giving food away, volunteering, helping someone clean up their yard, smiling and laughing and the list goes on and on makes a difference


I guess I did end up having a bit of a rant after all.

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