Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Just one of those days!

I remember hearing this story years ago about a top executive of a company complaining that he couldn’t get away from the office to take time off for his vacation.  The owner reminded him that if he was really good at his job he should be able to plan and take his time off as he was getting paid as a very highly skilled manager.

I kind of feel that with retirement.  We worked hard for all those years and we can use those same resources, dedication, support, creative energy, and time management skills to find out how to be our best in this time of our lives. 

But some days are just so busy with trying to find your glasses, the dog is barking again, doing the dishes that we forgot last night, finding the remote and then the satellite isn’t even working, making the bed, fixing up what the wind blew over outside, another newspaper to look at, having to make real food, check the emails, etc etc.

And then it starts all over again! 

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