Monday, February 18, 2013

I'm the new manager of me!

Published in Island Gals, 2012 Volume 2, issue 2

I’m the new Manager of Me!           

Dona Anderson
In the last issue of Island Gals, I shared about how my retirement to do list needed changing.  During that first year I found out that some things were wonderful and others not so great.  I loved being able to meet new friends, sit over a long lunch, or go for a walk on the beach on what would have been work time.  But, I still didn’t want to do more housework or other things I wasn’t fond of and I would catch myself saying, “I didn’t quit my paying job to stay home and do this”. 

And, being very fortunate to be getting older and fancy cooking is not all that good for me anymore, those thoughts of spending afternoons baking or having a lot of dinner parties wasn’t really going to happen very often either.
Many of us come to retirement in different ways.  For me it was early and planned but it still seemed a bit scary and took some time to smooth the edges.  I soon discovered that I was the new manager of me and this time for however long it lasts, and it was my job to find out what I wanted and needed to do that would feed my soul, and make my life happy and healthy. 

It used to be easy to sign the kids up for extra activities but not me, and now I get to attend things during the Day and sometimes even sit in the front.  I used to take the bus to work every day and now I drive.  When I slowly started to find a few new things for me to do or at least try out, my life slowly opened up to wonderful new experiences, challenges, and opportunities.  As an older adult, I found out I could go to things by myself and be fine, and I found out how lucky I am to be part of and support other peoples work and passions.  All this has also allowed me to learn lots, bring new things and people into my life, go to different places, and most of all it added a freshness and excitement to my days.
It’s so nice to see what others are doing and I sometimes get my courage from watching them.  Whether they’re spending time with family and friends, golfing, walking, travelling, writing, painting, teaching, exercising, helping others, doing yoga, volunteering, or maybe it’s going to the spa, making a quilt, gardening, reading, taking courses, being part of clubs, or making a huge pot of soup for a sick friend, etc., it’s all their special way to now reward themselves, be healthy, happy, and give support to others.  

So far it has been a very unique time of fun, personal growth, and discovery.  Sometimes it’s busy and confusing, but whenever I want I can give myself permission to rest or do nothing while knowing that is perfectly OK!

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