Tuesday, June 30, 2015

You can start this today.

Planting Seeds of Wellness

Dona Anderson

Don't judge each day by the Harvest you reap,
but by the Seeds that you Plant.

~Robert Louis Stevenson ~

Dona Anderson
Summer is a busy time for projects to make our homes and yards beautiful, strong and healthy.  We work on Restoring, Opening up, Refreshing and Rebuilding!

We also spend hours in our gardens where we Plant seeds, Tend, Coax, Anticipate, Watch and Praise each bloom. There are the daily rituals and later we Celebrate the rewards.

A healthy home and garden can also be a Retreat. A place where family and friends gather, a place for laughter, smiles, flowers, fresh produce and a place for birds and butterflies to enjoy.

This Summer you can also Plant, Tend and Coax seeds of Wellness.

You can watch with anticipation and praise as you let go of stress
and Celebrate the rewards.

This summer discover easy ways to restore, renew, refresh and rebuild yourself.  

Your daily ritual becomes getting to know yourself as you are now and finding your retreat.  

Your project can be to build a more relaxed and healthier you, to see it and to feel the difference.

The first step is to set aside a few minutes everyday to separate yourself from whatever you are doing.  Your only focus for this couple of minutes is yourself.

It's as easy as a couple of minutes and one breath at a time.

Loosen and soften your shoulders, sit comfortably and relax through the rest of your body as you take two or three deep breaths.  

Then let out a big sigh to let your mind and body know there is a change coming.

Relax more as you soften your eyes, your jaw, and the rest of your face.  Now invite your mind to follow the rhythm of your natural breath.  

If other thoughts come up, gently ease your mind back to your breath.  Continue to relax your whole body and simply breathe one breath at a time  

Continue to invite relaxation in your mind as you follow the breath.

After a minute or two, take a deep breath, stretch or loosen your body a bit and sit quietly for another minute or so before returning to your day.

Summer is also a great time to enjoy the gifts that beautify your neighborhood and community.  

Go for leisurely walks or sit outside and really notice the grass, trees, flowers, birds or the clouds.  

Focus on the textures, mix of colors, sizes, shapes, and breathe in the fragrances of summer.

PS. This Summer plant seeds of Wellness!

A place to be happy
feel happy, and
breathe happy ...

Links for sharing below.

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