Tuesday, November 1, 2022

I don't know the title yet but

 maybe the Word Contentment is involved.

Dona Anderson

Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, 

be the awareness behind them.

― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

Why don't we feel like we think we should or want to?

We're all Human and that means we all have many choices to carry around.

From happy, to sad, to wanting more, being satisfied, or being lonely & anxious to grateful, calm, and at peace.

And, there're many words for all those feelings & emotions mixed in what we carry within us. 
                                           Do you say to yourself any of these ...

Why do I start to cry at a beautiful piece of music.

Why do I feel lonely and sad when I have so much to be thankful for.

Why am I tired and stressed out every day.

Why do things irritate me so easily

Why... Why... Why...

How many things make you mad, sad, angry, frustrated, unhappy, stressed ... and then you wonder why you're tired, mad. sad, and stressed.

What can we learn from our feelings and emotions to help us build that awareness we need to support us when we need it. 

See if any of these lines below connect to some of your feelings - what is your word that's missing at the end.

We'll look at the emotions later. 

It's Ok if you add in some more lines if needed ... 

We're just taking a look for now.

The word I'm stands for I AM and this powerful word connects us to our feelings and emotions. 

I'm more sensitive some days than others so I'm feeling   

My body hurts more lately than it used to so I'm feeling  

My sleep isn't very good most nights so I'm

I forget to eat regular meals everyday so I'm

I'm not exercising very often so I'm 

I don't get out to my activities every week so I'm 

I don't see my friends as often anymore so I'm,

Here's some words that may help for building Awareness

Emotions before may be  - Depressed, Sad Stressed Angry Lonely Teary Anxious Gloomy Nervous 

Emotions After could be -  Joy Valued Energized Eager Grateful Needed Admired Carefree Forgiving Healthy

How we change things around is up to each of us. 

Love this quote below by Maya Angelou. 

"Do the best you can until you know better, 
then when you know better, do better." 

Will you let it take You there.

PS. How we breathe also affects our feelings and 
emotions so here's a photo message of mine with words 
from my book Moving Forward from the heart. © 2015

A full healthy breath celebrated.

Take Care and thanks for your visit today.

We're living in very stressful times and our list may be longer than usual so give yourself a break, phone a friend, rest often, eat good foods, go for a walk or sit outside, and take a few extra breaths.

Links for sharing below 
and, I hope you end with I am feeling better.

Visit the Resources page for information.

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