Play Laughter Joy
Dona Anderson
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New posts every Tuesday.
I saved this quote to share with You & todays the day.
Your body cannot heal without play.
Your mind cannot heal without laughter.
Your soul cannot heal without joy.
~Catherine Rippenger Fenwick~
Healing with Humor, educator, therapist, author, speaker.
How many times when you are unwell do you play some kind of game, do a puzzle, card game, craft or other things that you love to do that takes your mind off things and supports your soul.
How many times when you were unwell, sick, had a bad cold, flu, headache, new stitches or whatever it was did you try not to laugh but couldn't help it. You may even put on a comedy show to watch to help you feel better.
How may times did you find Joy in a song, a home cooked meal, a card, flowers, a visit from loved ones or cuddles from your pet.
I imagine it was many times.
A moment for laughter lets us relax, let our stress & worries soften a bit as it disappears out of our bodies and into the world.
A moment of joy lets us remember all the people and things in our lives that we love, hold dear and want to get back to.
Play ... Laughter ... Joy
PS. Often when I've been at a craft faire someone stops by just to have a chat.
I've heard many good stories but mostly ones of sadness, grief, sickness and stress.
Many times it was quite emotional but I could see how the releasing of the story helped them heal a bit that day - their face and shoulders softened a bit to help them breathe.
Sometimes they even came back the next day to chat again.💗
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Our Lucy, loves to snuggle. |
Take Care have a great day and week.
New post next Tuesday.
Bye for now.
Links for sharing below.
What are some of the ways you support your health on the good days and the not so good days. Do you have a regular routine or just do what you have time for or needs doing that day. It's a confusing time with so much information being sent to us to buy or do something and some is good and others maybe not or not for us. I do hope that Play Laughter & Joy are included. Take Care!