Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Happy Talk" from SOUTH PACIFIC

All of a Sudden an old Song Pops in your Head

Dona Anderson

A Movie from my childhood.

I was out walking the other day all of sudden I started singing this song.

Where do these old songs come from?

Does this happen to you?

Love the line that says
Got to have a dream
If you don't have a dream
how you going to have your dream come true

I guess this could be our take away message from this fun song.

In the Meditation Live Your Dreams from my book Moving Forward from the Heart I talk about how sometimes dreams can be scary and often seem unattainable.

As we start making plans for the new year 2017, I hope your old or new dreams come with ease, wellness and each day you get to have fun learning and exploring.

And, taking the title from another Meditation - Enjoy even the boring parts.

Take Care.

What Dreams are in Your Future

Thanks for visiting!

Do you need to bring your Sparkle back?

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Best Friends

Some Friends come & go

Best Friends are forever.

Dona Anderson

Enjoy this video about Friendships.

Have a great week ahead and maybe check in with one of your Friends to just say Hi and see how they are.

Perhaps plan a get together.

If they live somewhere else give them a call or send a Thinking about You card in the mail.

You'll think of something.

I love this line I saw somewhere

Life is short – smile while you still have teeth!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Time for Holiday Shopping

Two Vancouver Island Shows coming up!

Dona Anderson

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Roots to Breath Wellness

November is the time to get busy with that Holiday Shopping and I'll be at 2 shows to help you this month.

Charles Dickens Christmas Craft Faire
November 11-13


Winterfest Craft Faire
 Qualicum Beach
November 25-27

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Elizabeth Gilbert & Marie Forleo on Fear, Authenticity and Big Magic

I'm a Huge FAN ...

Dona Anderson

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I'm a Fan of both these wonderful ladies. 

First off Marie Forleo for her B-School program that I'm a participant in for 3 years now.

And Elizabeth Gilbert, Yes of course I read Eat Pray Love, saw the movie, saw her on various talk shows and also had the wonderful opportunity to see her at Oprah's, The Life that you Want Tour in Seattle a couple of years ago.

This is a interview to watch and share with your friends at the links below. 

Well worth the time so if you're in a hurry save it another time.

How does your Fear affect You?


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