Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Circle of Friends, Part 1

Circle of Friends

A Story of Friendship!

Roots to Breath, Dona Anderson
This is part 1 written Summer of 2013
Dona Anderson
Remembering Mom's Bridge Circle - My Mom was part of a group of ladies who played bridge together for years and they all took turns hosting the evening.  During my growing up years at home, I can remember hearing trump this or that a couple evenings a year.  I remember trying to fall asleep to the language of bridge in the background, and I also remember it as a time to sneak into the kitchen as there were lots of those special goodies to eat. 

I never learned to play bridge but I do like the idea of getting together with others for a common focus you enjoy, and one where you get to connect with others who you may not ever see or have known otherwise.

In the fall of 2009, I met a wonderful lady when I was doing a local library reading for my book.  We kept in touch and later she approached me with her idea to start a small healing circle, and invited me to join.  Yes, was my immediate answer and we started in the fall of 2010.  We’re a circle of four, and it is perfect.  I only knew Susan at the start and now I have two more friends.  We get together twice a month and we’re still going strong!  

It is a wonderful way to spend an evening.  We enjoy a few cups of tea and some nights enjoy and admire goodies or garden flowers, but our main focus is learning more about wellness.  We do different things depending on what there is to share and talk about.  Sometimes there are books or articles to read, we may watch videos off the internet, pick oracle cards, do chakra balancing, or find out more about crystals, and rocks.  Sometimes we tell stories, do sound healing and there are always soothing meditations to absorb.  Sometimes we do a bit of Reiki or other healing, and some nights when life gets in the way it may be a time to just relax and enjoy an evening of mostly quiet and stillness.

We are four ladies of different ages that have all come from different places and we all have different life experiences.  I am the youngest, so it is another reminder for me to know that there is never a time to stop learning and improving myself, and it is a reminder of how important and satisfying it is to be sharing this time with the other ladies.

What is really great with each meeting is that we can see each others faces as we smile and laugh, talk, drink our tea, and most of all we get to feel the presence and connection of companionship and friendship.

  And it gets even better … we all get real hugs as we say goodnight!

A wellness circle turned into a circle of Friends!

Do you have something similar you can tell others about?

Part 2, The Rest of the Story, will be shared at a later date

Are you thinking of starting up a circle of your own?

Who is in your life and when ... check out this video and poem Reason Season Lifetime

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