Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Life Roads Travelled

Dona Anderson

Proactive or Reactive!

Roots to Breath, Dona Anderson

Some people have told me I think differently! 

I never really understood this ... 

I figured we all had our things we did or didn't, were good at or not and then there was those other things.  The ones I didn't talk about, tried to hide, would make up some excuse or mix it into a joke -  

I hope someone reading this knows what I mean.

Back when I was working, I often approached one of my senior assistants with the phrase, " I was thinking about ... " instantly they knew Something needs to change.  Well it was always for the better, or at least when it was done.  At work and in my home life I learned over the years to be proactive, to set goals, plan, to think about current and future needs and wants.  

I hate being reactive!

Why? Because, sometimes it's too late, the damage is done. Or, if someone else notices it usually becomes this big thing, project, crisis that you have no control over. I'm a planner and have that need to play it safe, have security in my life, or at least try my best.

I'm not sure why I'm writing this, maybe to just get us thinking, but for some reason I want to link it to a post that I will publish later about how we in hind sight see how one thing led to another and how the people and places in our lives affected us at different times.  

What they thought, we thought and most of all how we digested it and reacted.

Some of it was great, just what we needed ... 
some was Ok, it worked out ...
 & some was crap!

Whether it is the times we grew up in, the studies on health & illness, books we read, TV shows, articles, financial news, or web searches there are stats for everything about how this affected that. We travel many roads in our lives.  Some are smooth others bumpy, some are straight others curvy, we go up and down, around and around and we even get lost and have detours. 

Please don't get caught up on one of those traffic circles or roundabouts! 

So my last thought for now is ... timing is important but our life roads are still ours to figure out, manage and then move on.

Are you proactive or reactive?

Email Followers, I will let you know when this next story mentioned is published!

There's more on Facebook
Here's a link to the video and poem of how others come
into our lives for a Reason, Season or Lifetime

Bye for Now ...

And, Enjoy your Day!