Friday, December 18, 2015

What's your Favorite Christmas Decoration

What a hard Question!

My questions even make me have to think!

Dona Anderson
Wellness Gifts for You & to Share
I know for me I have had lots of favorite ones.  

Some years I seemed to notice one more than others or if it was in a different spot it got more or less attention.

When the kids were little and a few puppies in the house the decorations were mostly unbreakable and theme based.  

As we all grew older and no other family around due to moving a few times, we decorated but usually thought more about what activities we could do and making those must have goodies to eat.

It was fun to get out with friends to go skating, go to a concert, sleigh ride, caroling, cross country skiing, have fondues or do the occasional big trip to go visit family with presents and food in tow.

For a few years I collected Santa's and it didn't take very long before I had too many.

Later on with downsizing and not wanting so many decorations anymore I had to start giving Santa's and other things away.

When I'm reducing one of my goals is to give something I have treasured to someone else who will treasure it.

I feel better now with what I have left. I can get into the storage area (Empty Space!!) and someone else has new treasures to enjoy. 

 Meet my Will Work for Cookies Santa

I had to think a while to decide what my favorite decoration is that I still have and I picked this one as each year when I get it out ...

It makes me smile and feel good.  

This Santa sits in my kitchen window and reminds me of the dozens of cookies and other baking we did years ago when we were skinny but didn't know it.  It reminds me of  trips to the freezer to get the baking but only finding empty containers. 

It reminds me of all the wonderful meals we had and shared because they always tasted better when we could share with others.

And it reminds me of standing in the kitchen waiting to sample those first cookies to come out of the oven and trying to save some for another day! 

Now with just me, hubby, our current older puppies and no family close by it is again a quiet time of year. The decorations become less important each year which lets us enjoy what we do put out and it gives us more time for relaxing as we settle in for our cozy Winter nap.

I hope your thoughts are now about wonderful memories 
that make you smile and feel good!

Thanks for your continuing support!

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