Chloe |
Loss of a pet
Tear jerker
The Ugly Cry
Tears of Love
That about describes it all
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This is what I shared on FB at the time
I believe in doggy heaven
I believe in doggy angels
I believe in friends to meet you and Love you
I believe that we'll see you later
Go forward Beautiful girl.
You will be and have all of these.
We are so lucky you picked us to Love you.for 15 years and forever.
We Love you so.....much Mom Dad & Lucy.

It's been six months now and while the hurt softens it's still there as we remember our last kisses.
Chloe our beautiful West Highland White (Westie) girl had to leave us.
For 15 wonderful years we had the privilege to look after and love her. But the loving never stops and it's the love that hurts - it has no place to go.
In our hearts we still hold her close by and remember all the travelling we did, the cuddles under the covers, the kisses, the tricks to get more cookies, the smiles she gave out to others on our walks, and watching her personality come out as a terrier and a best friend.
She didn't care about getting dirty when a hole needed to be dug, that maybe she shouldn't be licking our friends toes that always tasted so good, and turkey gravy, tuna water or rice and peas were always the favorite extras to her supper bowl.
When they're puppies they try to go fast to see what's ahead and it was nice to see her slow down, stop to look around, and as they say, smell the roses.
Luckily we have our Scottie girl Lucy to hold on to but she didn't know where Chloe went so she was also very sad and lonely.
Where's my sister? Who am I going to eat and sleep with?
I've never been alone before...
Over time we stop crying as often, lessen the reminders around the house and think of her up in Heaven with her doggy friends and a few people who also Loved her so that helps a bit.
I noticed that because we're retired, home more and travelled a lot with the dogs we are attached even more to them and the places she slept summer & winter are now all empty.
We also got to dog sit their friends so more dogs to love and remember.
We also got to dog sit their friends so more dogs to love and remember.
Many people say when their pets pass they can't get another because the loss was too hard on them. I get it but for me now, not having a pet to cuddle would be even harder. Later when our Lucy passes we may be too old but I hope we will partner with someone to be the dog sitters, walkers or whatever we can to keep sharing the love we have to give and getting the love they give.
Cuddles and walking are wonderful Stress reducers.
Several years back when we lost our Scottie girl Tilly I wrote about how life changed and about telling our stories. I guess we've been reliving some of that again and I often go back to this post to feel close to her again. Here it is if you want to read it. For us dog lovers we all seem to connect at these times as we all know how the loss deeply affects us.
Keeping the Heart open is often really hard but that's where the
Love and Memories live.
Love and Memories live.
Salton Sea California |
Please give your pets an extra HUG for me, thanks.
Thanks for listening.
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