Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Flowers Help reduce Stress

Stress is a commonly used word, 

 one that affects our health, daily life
& it is Everywhere

Dona Anderson

I'm sure we've all been affected by stress from different sources and in various different ways.

Taking our Lives back

For many it is a daily occurrence with many triggers.

Add to it and if you're like me when we get multiple factors attacking us at the same time, it can be quite overwhelming.

We might have a bad day occasionally but then sometimes its a bad week, month or it can even seem like a bad year.

There are many causes and depending on how you ask the question on Google you can get responses for causes, triggers, symptoms, treatment and more.

Stress can cause both physical and emotional issues that quickly add up to a long list.

The ways to help can be both easy solutions and more intense depending on the person, age, symptoms and possibly many other factors in the mix.

While a bit of Stress is often needed to help us win the race, escape from the wild bear or immediate crisis, we have to learn how to calm down after the bear or crisis has left us and we're safe.

I know from lots of experience that stress loves to make any other issues much worse, it thinks we're the beast and holds on tight. 

We all know that we need to breathe, relax, exercise, eat right, have a hobby and lots of good thoughts. Add into that is to sleep well, have friends to talk to and whatever else you like to do.

But, do we do it.

I know it's hard to find time to do a lot of what we need to do so how can we get to feel better.

I guess we really need to make ourselves accountable for making the effort to BE better.

Maybe we can start slow to create a new habit and get help and support from others when needed.

We are all very smart and talented and we know ourselves, what works for us and what defeats us, or makes us quit our good intentions. 

If any of this sounds familiar - I'm right here in this with you. 

We all have a story and looking back on mine even though I've been proactive over the last 40 years, I could have done a lot more to help myself build up and support my health and future. 

Now my age also adds into it and things can take longer to get better, rebuild and it's sometimes Harder to ask for HELP. 

We can't change the past so the importance of our Future Life is connected to the WHY it is important. And, only each one of us can answer that most important question.

Thanks for your visit - new post next week.

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Time to Relax.
I went into the Archives to find this post
Treasures of Spring to share with you.

I love to notice each of the 8 parts as they
become present in my spring time, Enjoy.

Bye for now.

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