Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Amazing Music by the Birds on a Wire

birds on a wire

seeing a common sight in a different way 

Dona Anderson

we see this all the time - birds

resting, taking a break, watching, 

waiting for something to happen.

They would never have imagined This Story.

A normal everyday sighting that
one day was looked at differently.


What do You see that
others may not notice?

Help encourage yourself or others to imagine,
dream and be inspired to see things differently.

Wonderful things are happening
all the time.

Thank You for helping me spread
Wellness around the World with
your shares 😊

Take Care!

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You'll have to come back to find out.
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PS. What's your favorite Bird -
let us know in the comments.

Birds on a Log.


  1. This last year has been like a scary movie I wouldn't watch - full of stress, death, violence, hardship, loss, anger and more. But it also has been full of much sacrifice, hard work, help, discovery and dedication. I hope going forward it will also be a time for seeing things differently. We can't keep old twisted thoughts, anger, language and feelings when there is a whole beautiful world of people wildlife & nature that we are ALL part of that also needs healing, love preservation and kindness. Let's make our time here one of hope, peace, community and love to help mend our hearts and the world. A Huge Thank You to all the Health Care Workers, emergency response and all others keep us safe, who stand in lines to hand out food, do testing and the many others who are out working every day to keep our lives somewhat normal. Take Care.

  2. So my favorite bird for where we live is our little hummingbirds that stay here all year. I have many favorites on the beauty list.
