Tuesday, January 19, 2021

It doesn't have to be Perfect

what looks good

what's art 


and ... 

Dona Anderson
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Those seconds in time
capture so much.

Story Time.
The last several years I've taken lots of pictures and although I didn't know much about what I was doing, most seem to turn out pretty good for a point & shoot person. 

I still don't know what
I'm doing and that's OK.

As time went on I tried adding words from my books to some of them and seeing it all come together is Fun and very rewarding for me - My Art.

So now when taking pictures I think more about the colors, positioning or whatever it is.

If I added words where would they go, would it look good here or there ...

Decisions we learn as we go along.

What's wonderful for me is when people at the various shows I go to ask if I'm a professional photographer. 

One time a lady took about an hour or more and went through all my photo's and commented on them, also saying her Mom was a Professional Photographer and what I was doing was really good,

She told me not to take  lessons(??)

Another thing that's wonderful for me is the noticing of life nature, gardens, water & the sky.

The awareness of the moment fills me
with contentment and gratitude.

Each one seems to become a gift from the season or location which mostly now are from our yard, garden neighborhood and province. 

I don't need or even want them to be perfect, just to be natural and beautiful as they are on their own that day. 

I've loved travelling and living in various places and enjoyed each for their differences and gifts in the landscape, birds, flowers, crops, people, opportunities and of course the Food.

It's all taught me to appreciate and enjoy wherever Home is at the time and to notice all that it offers. 

Home is, 
where the Heart is

& beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

The photo's have also become another way
to send Gifts to You.

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If you'd like to see some other photo's
go to the label below, Photo Message.

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you're ready for next week.

What's your Art about?

Take care and Have a great week.

PS. In the past I'd sometimes send my Grandchildren a photo message when I sent a card to them.

I forgot one time - and that seemed more important to my granddaughter than the Birthday cheque.  You just never know ... 💚

1 comment:

  1. I'm lucky where we live now to get a long season of flowers, forests and green spaces. Beautiful surroundings and opportunities to connect like I did a few years ago just walking around the neighborhood to check out the yards and take pictures. I even got the neighbors dog Airie. It all made for a lovely afternoon, a time to be grateful.
