Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Best part - it's Free

what we focus on grows 

This is something we CAN do and it's free
 Another addition for your Wellness Toolbox

Dona Anderson
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Dona's photo - message from
Simply, One Breath At a Time.

A Calm Breath for Breathing...

We do it all day long but do we pay much attention to it.

Our breathing connects us to our inner self, our organs, heart, and lungs that are nourished, move and open up space for circulation to help us stay healthy and relaxed.

Have you thought about your posture and how sitting with head forward and rounded shoulders makes us shorter and not letting the breath move as it should.

And, if we're grumpy and frown instead of relaxed and smiling we've also shortened the breath. Shallow breathing also affects the body.

Let your next breaths softly fill your body ... 

as you do this a few times, also let your  

face, eyes and shoulders soften ...
Notice each breath opening 
and then leaving your body.

Feel the coolness of the in breath, 
and then the warmth of the out breath ...

Be part of this exchange, 
part of the simple gifts of life.

I picked a Rose Wellness Message
for us today that says ... 

I invite my next breaths to bring me
to a place to smile and be present,
a place to notice beauty, 
and a place to find joy ...

One Rose Wellness Cards

I invite my next breaths to bring me
to a place to smile and be present,
a place to notice beauty, and
a place to find joy ...

Is it time to rediscover your breath.

Messages are from the pages of my book
Head over to the Resources Page
for more info.
And posts with similar messages
at the label below One Rose Cards

Thanks for your visit today.

PS. Lots of times in our lives we have to think about how our body breathes, our posture and see if we need to make some adjustments.

* This can be our reminder
*I needed it too.

Weekly posts offer new thoughts,
experiences, stories and lots more.

Don't go yet!

The Holidays are  coming up so please take care of you.

Rest often, ask for help and gift yourself lots of Self Care moments. ðŸŽ„

1 comment:

  1. I took some time off yesterday to watch a couple of afternoon Christmas movies. Always love to just sit and veg as they aren't violent, no loud voices or swearing and always have happy ending - feel good love stuff. It's my self care this time of year. I even made myself some hot chocolate for a Treat!
