Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Four ways to live a better and happier life

I liked the different approach he spoke of in his Tedx Talk  

It may help more of us go back to feeling our own happiness again after these last few stressful years.

TEDxSydney Living Better and Happier.

Dona Anderson

Thank You Dominic Price and check out the reviews from others for this video. Very well received.

If some of us have been struggling with a few of these areas in past years, this video may help. 
Productivity & profit

It's funny how life leads us on different paths and we can't predict our future even if we think we're doing all things right.

I enjoyed this video as it helped me connect to different times in my life.

In thinking about these 4 topics I kind of slipped back to memories of my parents and grandparents too. 

Productivity & profit - I don't know if they were happy or not. We didn't ask those questions back then. 

We didn't have many people around so not sure about that either.

The uncertainty and stress from previous wars, hardships & illness in their life seemed to linger heavily and I'm sure it affected the next generations as well.

Did they feel productive or that they had a purpose - I don't know that  either ... it seemed to just be a time for work and to do what you had to each day.

Now, Productivity & Profit in my later life are measured in different ways than years ago. Keeping happy, active & healthy are very important. 

Health is Wealth

People in our life has changed many times due to us & others moving to various places over the years.

We have special friends in our heart and lots of great memories of people, places, meals together, travelling and we're always happy when family visits.

I hope Play is included in this part as it's important to have fun, be curious, creative, laugh and explore. 

When it's shared with others it's even more enjoyable.

Friends are great to have and to be.

Planet - the state of our Planet has become More & more critical in many areas and is a concern that we all need to do what we can to help. 

Each day gives us an opportunity to help in some way. 

Every little bit counts.

Purpose as we get older it can be harder to feel. Often we can be limited in some areas but many of the adults and seniors here are busy walking, have dogs, golfing, volunteering, making crafts, taking courses, gardening, travelling, fishing, going to exercise classes, and spend time at the senior centers for music, choir, cards, friendship and more. 

I'm glad that after we moved here I got involved more with Yoga and other wellness activities that led me to writing which includes my Books and Blog.

As I felt the benefits of what I was doing and learning I wanted to share it to help others.

 I think Purpose is a special Gift we give to ourselves
whatever it may be for You.

Often when we're asked to give a number between one & 10 it's hard to say how much do you include in that one figure. 

How do you pick whether it's 7.5 or 3.9. So this -1, 0 or 1 seemed to be quick and not stressful.

Now if I do my score I feel good saying number 1 to 3 things and zero to one while knowing that these numbers do change at various times over the years and they will again. 

PS. the area I scored a zero in I've been aware of for a couple of years and I guess covid and a few other things gave me an excuse to not work more on them. 

Sometimes when we put things in writing it helps us work on it more so here goes. 

Bye for today. 
Links for sharing below.

Love that little teddy, hope he pops up in many other places.

Take Care.

One more for you today

A beautiful song from Enya to carry us through the week.

We're welcoming the fall Equinox in a couple of days as we notice the sun rises later in the morning and signs of fall all around us. 

As nature changes through the year we get to enjoy all it has to offer us. It maybe different than last year but it's all there for us to breathe in, feel its comfort, magic and explore. 

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