Thursday, October 27, 2011


A few months ago I was asked what I blog posted about, was it things from my book, and I answered no.  This was a great question and at the time I guess it really seemed odd to the person and to me that I would answer no.  I had to think about an answer then replied, I think it has been more about increasing awareness. 

So later I looked for a theme and presence/awareness was what seemed to be more often repeated.  I never used to have much awareness, I just went about my life with the busyness of home, family, and work.  I guess I have to again attribute my change to yoga.  That’s when I started noticing more things, paying more attention, noticing the space in between and leaving room for the space.  To me, Yoga is not just about what you do on the mat, it’s also a place to learn more about yourself, it’s a place to accept, nurture, improve upon, and it’s about what you then take out into the world. 

I found that instead of just wanting to do something, I started doing something, then finding more things that I could do, and one thing led to another.  I was encouraged on a deeper level to grow, move forward, sit in the front, talk to people, be comfortable with who I am,  to succeed on my terms with my limitations, and to enjoy even more how I dance and sing even when someone is watching. 

Lots of times I still get confused with myself because I don’t know how to process what I’m doing, getting into, or where it’s leading me.  Then awhile ago, I was reading a yoga teachers blog post about how the many middle and beyond aged ladies she was meeting despite their varying stories and challenges were now experiencing funnel shaped lives.  They were expanding their interests, passions, wisdom, fun, and using their talents for inspiring others wherever they could. 

This was interesting and maybe reflects some of what I’m doing as well.  l used to think we were supposed to be our best when we were younger, but I like this approach  better as I think I was just in training then to prepare me to now seek out and enjoy the other things that can come into and fill the rest of my life.  

I’ve been telling myself lately that I am happily broadening and expanding myself and it has nothing to do with the size of my waist or hips!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rest as if ...

I just opened up my book and my eyes rested on these words that I thought I'd share.

"Rest as if there is nothing left to do in your world ... soften as if there is nowhere to go ... surrender as if there is nowhere else to be but here, resting in this quiet moment ... "

Hope you have a great day!

Quote taken from Simply, One Breath At a Time, relaxation titled Favorite Flower

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Travelling Books on Journey of Wellness

Travelling Books

 Spreading Wellness Around the World

Roots to Breath, Dona Anderson
One Year Later - last year on Sep 28, I gave out the first of the 100 Travelling books.

Over the next few months, I packaged up ones to send away, and had fun handing out lots to people I know, friends, teachers, some went to wellness centres, and others to events I attended.  

I also gave some to people who already had a book that I wanted to be part of this event, and would then pass it on to someone they knew right away.  
 (See earlier post for more info)

I really enjoyed the response I got when giving them away.  It was so wonderful to see the smiles, the wonder in their eyes, and the looks on their faces.  And, what was really fascinating was when I told them the story about these books being on a wellness journey to move from person to person, most everyone knew immediately who they were going to pass it on to next.

I don’t know where they all went, but some holders that live locally have told me they still have theirs and do plan to pass it on when they finish, but they are still on their favorite page, or it is still on their night table.

Hello to everyone who is part of this unique growing wellness group, enjoy the book, and pass it on when you’re ready.  It started with 100 books and 100 people, I wonder what the people count is now.

If you have or had a book, I’d love to hear the story of how you got it and where it’s been so far!

My wish is for the books to be spreading wellness and travelling the world...

How cool would that be!

check out the Resources page for more info
and my second book Moving Forward from the Heart.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Click here to get started!

I have to admit it, last year when I started looking at making a blog, I didn’t really know much about blogs, but I thought it would be easier to do than a website.  I went to different sites for making your own and I remember it saying click here to get started. After a while to my surprise, I did, one click, then another, and another, and soon something started to appear.

I do not understand computer language, but I did it, and I was so proud of myself.  Then the next part was what do I say, and somewhere it said to just write something and things will come. 

Looking back at my first posts, I remember feeling quite scared of this connection out into the huge world.  Who would visit me? Why would they visit me?  A year later I’m not scared anymore and I’ve just kept writing to see what comes.

Anyway, much thanks to all of you for your visits of support!! 

For me, I’ll never know what I can find next if I don’t get started...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dr Wayne Dyer wrote:

"You cannot always control what goes on outside, but you can always control what goes on inside"

I'm glad I get great words of wisdom sent to me on Facebook.  I received this one a while ago and saved it as I knew it would of course come in handy.

During the last week, I had my rain jacket stolen from a store I was visiting when I laid it down for a few minutes, and only for the second time in my life, walked out of a restaurant.  I only had water so I didn't need to pay and felt I needed to escape in that moment to be in control.  Sorry, but I can get miserable when I'm both hungry and tired!

I was so glad the jacket did not contain keys, wallet, or any other valuables.  The person left with a few used Kleenexes and a pair of $1.00 gloves.  Why would someone steal and risk getting caught over an inexpensive used jacket?

The restaurant only had 3 other people there and they were eating already.  Why would it take over an hour to not get a pizza, and also have to cancel the order for the "appetizer special" that was obviously forgotten and not to be the appetizer... 

It is so nice to have a treasure chest of tools to bring out when needed.  I hope the lady likes my jacket and someone else got to eat our pizza whenever it was hot and ready! 

Take Care!