Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thoughts on the Relaxation titled, Change

Life is always Changing!

How do you cope with change?

Roots to Breath, Dona Anderson
Is change a good thing or does it
create stress?

Sometimes I like to just let Simply, One Breath At a Time open up and see what page appears.

A couple of days ago, I opened it and found the relaxation titled, Change.

This relaxation starts with “Our lives can change in a heartbeat, a second a minute, an hour, a day…a word can change us, a thought, a song, a story, a picture, even a breath”

I know change can be a good or bad thing for all kinds of reasons so I look at change as a process, an evolving process, a period of some kind of learning, adjusting, experiencing, noticing, and responding. 

This relaxation simply guides you to notice how your breath can be that evolving process as you are asked to breathe and soften.   It says you can change your thoughts, and give yourself a chance to rest.  You are asked to notice how you are responding to its comfort and nurturing, and it also asks you to allow stillness into your day.

In this short relaxation, you get to experience how a few minutes to let your natural breath nurture you can bring change, and bring you to a place to let go and rest for a moment.

Our life can change in a heartbeat, a second, a minute … or even a breath!


More information on Simply, here 
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