Treasure Chest
Will you dig down deep or stay on top?
Roots to Breath, Dona Anderson
We all have had those places that hold our most precious treasures. It may be a special chest or a drawer, an envelope, under a rock, a box built by our child in shop class, or it could be a special place in our mind that holds a memory of a place, time or a few words that have forever guided us through life.
Dona Anderson |
The first line of the relaxation Treasure Chest that starts on page 61 opens with "I live my life in the present moment ..." a great affirmation to begin this relaxation. I thought this would be interesting here as it is bold and to the point for what follows - opening your treasure chest and looking at what's on top.
We all hear comments from others when they declare that they have to have this or that, or what makes them tick, how they like this or that and not that other thing. So this little relaxation asks us think about what it is we do like right now.
Years ago when I was working on this book a lady asked to read some pages, and this was one that I heard her reading to another lady for fun. They were sitting in the next room and asking each other the questions, so I moved closer to hear the best I could and they were having a great time deciding what would be the one thing they would pick.
I'm sure it would change frequently but then again some of us don't even think about it, and would immediately say the same thing we might have said years ago. I was one of those ... OK I'll admit I'm slow and this took me years to figure out. I was so fixed on my old likes that I never considered new ones, I just answered my same old things without thinking.
Since then I began to notice new favorite things appearing because my tastes had changed, I had changed. I do different things, even my decorating wanted to change and I'm always amazed when someone says that I used to like this or that, and it seems odd to them when I reply - yes, I did forty years ago!
The questions are simple, involve the senses, and they ask for recent answers ... like this one "I loved the sound of ". This is a good exercise to bring you into the present moment and to think about what is in your life now. It is also nice to realize that if we can be more present and put wonderful ordinary things into our treasure chest we will begin to notice more things in our daily lives. And, we can still dig down a bit for those special sweet memories whenever we want.
The relaxation then moves the focus back to the body and invites parts of the body to soften before heading into the time of silence for meditation. I think the meditation and the rest of the day that follows will be full of more wonderful present treasures rather than those same old thoughts, problems, and conversations!
What are your treasures? Talk about them and share with others!
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Permission To Rest CD is also available at Amazon
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