Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Having A Great Time!

Where are You?

Don't worry, I'm here somewhere!

Dona Anderson
Confessing our Tricks! 

Do you relax easily?
Sometimes it's several focused breaths, changes to music or sound levels, counting, various uses of words, lighting, etc, so for this relaxation titled Where Are You, I started off with ...

 "Think of the vacation postcard message, having a great time, 
I wish you  were here ..." 
Are you here?

Dona Anderson
 We can go to so many places in our mind that we are often busy with lots of other thoughts about something, someone, or somewhere else instead of being present where we are now.  So this relaxation starts off meeting you where you are and then lets you know that the next few minutes can be a time to treat yourself, a time to "calm your mind, relax your body, and refresh your spirit..."

 Lots of times when we go to a yoga class, the movies, to work, arrive home or just about anywhere, we need to take a breath or a few minutes to readjust ourselves.  This is also very important for our relaxation practice so we can move into that place where the brain signals the body to slow down, let go of stress and move towards balance.

The relaxation goes on to ask if you were present during some activities in the past several days.  This starts you thinking about how your awareness level changes and begins to bring you here, to this new place, this starting point.

Next, you move on to some breath awareness in the present moment, quieting and relaxing the body, and before you go into meditation, it asks you to "say to yourself, let my days be in the present moment ... let me notice what I see ... let me observe and explore what surrounds me ... let my breath touch my heart ... my heart will tell me what is precious ..."

And then before you go into your time for silence, there is one last message for you to take along with ... you'll find it on page 39, in Simply, One Breath At a Time!

Simply, One Breath At a Time is available in eBook and paperback
Visit the Shop Page for details!

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