Tuesday, May 15, 2018

It's not all about the Taste

There's more to Spices than just Taste

Dona Anderson

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Herbs to Cheer the heart and delight the senses.

Lovely are the hours spent in gardens of herbs and flowers.

Honestly I feel a little foolish writing this post. 

I hope I'm not the only one that never knew. 

We usually hear about how certain foods are good for this or that but I never knew about how spices are so nutritional and help us in so many ways.

I knew ginger helps. As kids we were given a class of ginger ale when we had an upset stomach and I have a stash of ginger from Trader Joe's to have when I need it.

The apple pie has to have cinnamon, the lasagna and spaghetti - garlic, basil and oregano and on and on but this was all just for taste - so I thought.

The past few years we've been hearing about the benefits of Turmeric, and I've seen it talked about on TV a few times.

But there's more...

There's lots of  Spices that provide us with many benefits to our health, and more products are now available as supplements, teas, tinctures, oils, capsules ...

This is huge.

So, what spices are in your kitchen?

What spices do you grow in the garden?

In our garden we normally have rosemary, parsley, chives, oregano and basil in the summer.

The oregano and chives I mostly have for the flowers and the bees, and I love to go out to get a piece of Rosemary for the Christmas turkey.

Last summer I was surprised to know a neighbor had a Bay Leaf tree so I got some fresh ones to dry and store.

I have lots of spices in the cupboard but again don't use them all or know what to do with them, and I never thought about them as nutritional. 

There's the dessert spices, the turkey spices, the chili, pasta or steak spices and so on but what did I know about them?  I guess not much.

Did you know Sage helps our brain and so does Rosemary.  Interesting read about the history and benefits.

You may want to check out the benefits of your favorite spices or even add a few more into your pantry.

My takeaway is there is so much about the food we eat that we may not know. 

We usually get told about the crap we're eating, 
this is one of the good things to check out.

This has given me more to think about, learn and appreciate for what goes into the food I cook, eat and the health benefits. 

I know NOW that it's not all just about the taste, and I feel better knowing there's lots of nutritional value as well so I may even start adding and using more.

If one spoon is good maybe two is even better.

Something to think about!

I think this post will be a Part 1 and I'll be working on Part 2 in the years ahead. 

**As always, when you're checking out the Benefits also see what the side effects are and who should not use it. We never know how things will effect us because of allergies, intolerance's and other things we're experiencing -  just ask me about when I had lobster for the first time.

Take Care.

I think they'll be a few more fresh herbs in the Garden this year. 

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