Tuesday, April 9, 2019

8 Types of Wellness - Part 2

Today we start our look into 4 of the 8 Wellness types

Dona Anderson
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In case you missed it, 

For Part 2 we're going to look at the ones checked below.

As I was listing them I discovered we pretty much have 4 that are more related to the hard skills and 4 to the soft skills.

I hope my information lets us know a bit about these types and you can find out more by searching Google.

We'll be looking at the 4 types checked today.

Of course I wanted to start with the Soft Wellness Types.

I thought they'd be easier, but I don't know. I hope they are.

They're about our world, our earth as well as how we get through the day and interact with others. 

Wow, maybe I shouldn't have had this one at the top of the list.

Here's some things that affect our emotions - our thoughts, behaviors, stress level, feelings, life challenges, relationships, how we cope with life and more.

One more I have to add in here is that many of us carry a lot of fear around on a daily basis that is directed at us from multiple places. This is a huge stresser where emotions continue to go up and down and reduces our feelings of safety.

Most of us have never been taught how to deal with emotions like stress and trauma.

But over time as we age, mature, learn, listen and support ourselves we can start to build awareness, limit bad influencers, keep a positive attitude and use things like mindfulness, meditation and gratitude. 

We also have to be able to love, care for and forgive ourselves and others in a healthy way when needed.  

This one is about our Environment, Nature and World needs - how we connect and understand our impact on it in this busy and abundant world. 

This is also an area of some choice for whether we can recycle, compost, take public transit, eliminate toxins, take a bike ride on the weekend for fun, check out local markets, use more natural cleaners and reduce waste. 

Our environment surrounds us - below, above, the air we breathe, the earth our food grows in, the oceans & lakes the fish live in, the grass, the berries that are food and on. 

A couple more things I thought of here was all the waste from fast food & drinks, and thinking about our wants vs needs. Often we get caught up in the latest things or the newest fashion but do we need it. 

We want to believe the advertisement that we need this to be pretty or cool but you already are.

I learned that it takes 18,000 gallons of water to produce one pair of jeans and where DOES all the recycling really go.

Our wellness in this type has many factors - such as positive relationships, communication skills, respect for ourselves and others, having a sense of belonging and community, awareness of our choices of entertainment, what we read, watch and listen to. 

This is one type that melds with many of the other types such as emotional, occupational, spiritual and even environmental.

Life is a Gift that is supported by our family, social group, friends, club members, coworkers and neighbors. 

These all affect how we live and interact within our home, work and personal lives. 

Social support is essential for our survival.

Our team, tribe, safe spaces are all influenced by us opening our hearts, our sense of belonging, community and our choice of friends and influencers. 

This isn't about Religion.

It's about our having a sense of purpose and meaning in our life so that we feel full.

It's about balancing our inner needs and connecting to gratitude.

It's about having peace and harmony with the universe and compassion for others.  

Knowing that we can extend out great meaning and service to others with what might even seem like small acts of kindness.

Whether you find this playing with your children, in a Yoga class or Meditation group, hiking in the forest, swimming in the ocean, watching the stars at night, listening to music or volunteering and helping others, it's a very individual sense of something greater than yourself.

It may even be your magic, talents or dreams that you get to share with the world. 

That's it, the first 4.

Check out this Story about
a burger and my huge mistake.

Take Care & have a great day.

Part 3 is scheduled for April 30. 

The Message in Photo above is from my book,
Moving Forward from the Heart

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