Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How to get up from the floor (after a fall) - MacGyver style!

You never know when you

might need this ...

Dona Anderson

I came across this video and thought it would be a good one to share with you.

Falls can be very serious and can happen anytime. 

And often they can be life changers ...

I've fallen lots of times and last fall all of a sudden I went down hard on hands & knees (??) not sure why but it had to do with just normal things like a dog, a chair, the table and the back door.

A few days later I found out 2 others I know had fallen around the same time.

I know others who have fallen and broke their hip or hurt their leg. Some go to hospital, and some can't be on their own or live at home if there are stairs for months.

There's lots of sad stories.

This video reminded me stop and think again more about what I'd do and use in the various rooms of the house or outside. (one of my falls was in the back yard at night and I had to crawl back to the house)

You may even want to get someone to watch this with you and to talk about some of the ideas/techniques.

See which ones would work for you, as well as helpers you can call, and what you need to have near by to use if ever needed.

Please Stay Safe
Falls can cause serious injury.
There's lots of info online
you can check out for
tips & prevention.

The more we know, the more it helps 💚

This Video is for general information purposes only to
 assist in our quest for health & wellness. 

Please always consult your medical providers for help regarding
your care and recovery. 

thank you.

Links for sharing below.

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1 comment:

  1. Set yourself up for Success. Expand your awareness to include your surroundings.
