Tuesday, May 5, 2020

I need to get this out of my Head!

I went to bed with a Song in my Head

and woke up with this instead.

Dona Anderson
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I guess it's normal.

We get a song, idea word or quote in our head and we can't get rid of it.

It repeats and repeats and repeats - how MANY times.

Love My Heart  leaf Tree
Last Friday when I was getting up I got the words, I'm off to bed with - in my head and it kept repeating with different endings.

So I started to write a few down to get it to go away but more came.

I hope you don't mind my sharing this with you today. 

I figured I'd better post it right away or else it will keep going round and round in my head and I'll keep looking at it.

I'm famous at spending hours changing things until it gets published.

Hopefully this will help.

Cabin fever must be getting to me.

It's silly but Silly is GOOD right Now,
and silly helps us lighten the load.

I guess I'm Off to Bed will be the title.

Here Goes

I'm off to Bed
with food in my belly and I've said good night to the telly

I'm off to Bed
to get my old favorite nightie on and cover up tightly

I'm off to Bed
with tired eyes that don't seem to see much anymore

I'm off to Bed
with sweet Lucy (dog) to cuddle cause she doesn't mind if I snore

I'm off to Bed
turning off the outer lights to let the inner ones softly glimmer 

I'm off to Bed
and hoping for once to make some sense of those crazy dreams 

I'm off to Bed
in badly need of sleep and hoping tomorrow I won't feel too crabby

I'm off to Bed
with a window open to hear the songbirds later performing

I'm off to Bed
and on the way I'll ask the stars for another Good good morning 

I'm off to Bed
One more time in hopes I will finally get these darn 4 words out of my head.

Lucy when she was a puppy.

Take care and something will be
coming next week.

Hope this is gone now.
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Wellness around the World.
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Have a wonderful week ahead,
and  please stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. That was crazy but I listened to the message and made a post out of it. Do you get crazy things like that? My head feels better now.
