Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Where are your treasures kept

A Story about Boxes ... Really?

Dona Anderson

The holder of treasures ...

Where are your boxes kept?

Are they kept hidden or out for you and others to see.

Often a lot of our treasures are kept hidden in a box and double that when in a drawer, safe, top shelf ... or in your heart.

Is it time to revisit some of them again?

Take them out dust them off and,

Have a look to remember why they mean so much.

Why is it special?

Is it the box or what's inside?

Is it a box made in school shop class, an old music box, cigar or card box, a cedar chest, unused jewelry or silverware chest. 

What's it made of?

Is it a box from a parent or grandparent?

Wherever it came from, it slowly over time becomes a special place for ... things dear to your heart.

I went around the house to check where my boxes were and what was in them and took these pictures of a few. 

 Lucky for You I left the drawers and closet out.

The box I use for my jewelry is mostly full of things I never wear. I don't know where it came from but it was too nice to get rid of. 

In others I found buttons, charms, dog tags, cards, ribbons, souvenirs, concert tickets and other odd things years old that somehow still get left behind when it's clean up time.

I keep some cards in the dresser drawers to remind myself of loved ones and this set of boxes on the side was made by a wonderful friend and it's seen by anyone passing by. 

It's mostly empty except for some sewing supplies from years ago.  

It's funny how a box saved often seems to find something to put inside even if you didn't know you needed it.

Is it time to revisit some of them again?

Take them out, dust them off and,

Have a look to remember why they mean so much.

Why is it special?

Is it the box or what's inside?

Those things dear to your heart.

PS. I hope you're having a great day and now wondering what's in the boxes around your house.

If the boxes have been there for a long time there's no rush to check on them.  

Take Care and thanks for your visit today. 

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Here's a One Rose message for you ... 

          "When you feel settled and comfortable, notice yourself taking a breath in, and then slowly letting it out ..."

I underlined the word notice as that's also an important part.

1 comment:

  1. Where are all your treasures kept? I guess it all started as little ones with the toy box, and then separating cars and dolls from crayons, and the outside toys.

    Then as we grew up there was the lunch box, the book bag, the school backpack, then on to the makeup bag, shaving kit, tool box purse and on and on. Now where are all the boxes and bags kept.
