Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The losses sure added up

We lost out on the Smiles and more ...

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."           ~Leo Buscaglia~

Dona Anderson

That quote sure fits in with our lives these last few years.

It has been difficult to add up all the little things that come to mind and weigh the losses we all shared.

We lost out on a lot of personal contact, activities, friends and family gatherings.

We lost out on the hello's, smiles, small talk and more.

We lost out on the coffee with a neighbor and those hugs, handshakes or a pat on the back.

At the start of wearing masks I was in a big store and felt uncomfortable, faint like so as I was the only one in that aisle I lowered my mask a little just to take a few deep breaths.

Then a young lady walked over to where I was shopping and angrily told me I was not wearing My mask correctly and I might as well not have one on.

I fixed it as intended and walked away wondering that at least I had one on and she didn't nor any sign of having one.

I don't know if the 2020 pandenic began with a lot of fear and anger or those emotions grew over time.  

Now from the recent shootings and the ongoing war on Ukraine our hearts remain full of much sadness.

Past generations also felt the horror, stress, hardship, and loss from illness, fighting, violence, disasters and war deeply too in their lives. I'm sure a lot of their worries and emotions were kept deep inside and over time seeped out on the the next generation.

In our world now we also have so much news coming towards us daily and we all can see the horror and loss before our eyes so we have to take special care of our own stress, worries and health. 

Hopefully over time we can work to restore those real feelings of safety  community, friendship and help the children get past it all to feel loved and safe again.

Let's open up the doors to

our life and let others in again.

Something Fun to end with.

If you use the letters in the word limes what will you get?

Answer in next weeks post.

1 comment:

  1. The World is full of so much beauty and love it's hard to believe there's that other side - the anger, devastation, greed, war, harm, death and more. The last few years have taken on a whole new word that I don't know what it is and perhaps don't want to know. In addition to helping with global warming there are so many other things to fix before it's too late.

    On a TV show I watch they always use these 4 words, "How can I help."
