Tuesday, June 7, 2022

wow, this video really hit home with me.

Change Your Closet, Change Your Life 

| Gillian Dunn | TEDxWhiteRock

Dona Anderson

Tedx talk for us today.

Thanks Gillain.

Was this meant for you to hear Too?

It's not often I find a talk that I felt was meant for me. 

This one quickly brought up a lot of memories from years past.

I had an idea to write about some of this later but this Ted Talk became the perfect introduction to revisit some old memories and let me reminisce of growing up in different times way back when ...

I quickly had a list of examples to go back to and now with covid some seemed again relatable.

My first memory
My first memory took me way back to when I was a kid when it seemed most adults smoked.  

Mom had this set of 3 ashtrays in the living room. They were a very pretty orange/red set. 

The 2 smaller ones were on the end tables and the bigger one had a special place on the coffee table. 

No one was allowed to use the bigger one because it was only for decoration. One day a child was visiting and a few minutes into the visit the big ashtray was on the floor,  broken.

Years ago we all seemed to have those unlit unused candles that were for decoration & not used.

We had one that was unlit but the babysitter lit it for some reason one day. 

We didn't have much back then so I was kind of mad. Anyway it was a couple months later that we had the house fire and no more candle or other things.

Yes, growing up my Mom had those special occasion and for special guest dishes and silverware. that took years to accumulate - one piece at a time yearly gift.

The jewelry was in the box for special times and the good clothes and shoes in the closet getting dusty.  

Confession for me now and the Jewelry. 

I usually have the same necklace & earrings on everyday.  Yes I have others and the special occasion ones but I'm not interested in changing them very often. 

And with staying home more now lots of the clothes haven't been worn in 3 years so I don't need much jewelry with my yoga pants for dog walks.  

I grew up in a family of 5 with one bathroom that didn't seem a problem back then, now we have 4 bathrooms for the 2 of us.

And Yes, no vehicles will fit in the garage. 
Not my mess  husbands.

Even though every year we've been making boxes for the thrift stores there's still some things in the kitchen and closets that follow us from house to house.  

Yes there're lots of the good dishes in the buffet and the crystal glasses aren't used in case one gets broken. 

What do we do with it all?

Perhaps this year I'll get out my
2 summer dresses. 

Years ago we used to wear dresses
all the time, what happened...

Thank You for sharing with others at the links below.

. I have a few things still of my Mom's from years  ago. 

I use her vase lots every summer and I think of her as I'm filling it up with flowers from the garden. (She's been gone now 41 years)

I finally used the tea pot & cups for the first time a while back just for fun - the cups are so small I had 2 refills. 

Moms silverware is used every Christmas. I have my own set but I like to use hers on that special day. My set is pretty lonely these days.

Have a great Day!

I guess a lot of those things in the closet that I think are too nice for everyday will start to be worn or get donated to someone who will. 

Isn't that what clothes are for ... to be worn.

A lot of used clothing is being sold in discount stores now which really helps the budget and cuts down on all the resources in the manufacturing process. 

One pair of jeans takes over 1,800 gallons of water.  

I think I'll put a dress on and have a cup of 
tea outside on the front porch later.

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Last week's quiz - the letters from the word Limes is Smile. 

Bye for now.

I hope You found some things to think about or change for the future.  Some things may become more important and some less.  

Finding what your real treasures are is important. it may not be what you first thought of.

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