Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Journey from Grieving, to Feeling and Healing

Dr. Edith Eva Eger | TED...

amazing Lady and story.

We all go through feelings of loss, depression, loneliness at various times in our lives.

What we do with those feelings is up to us.

Have a look at this video and her story.
Dr. Edith Eva Eger 
Holocaust Survivor.


Dona Anderson

I don't know how she had her tremendous strength to go through what she did and then go into a profession helping others to heal from their loss and traumas.

As an older person now I've lost grandparents, parents, aunts & uncles, friends, and many pets.  

As I think of what to write my eyes are full of tears.

We don't get through life with a free pass to not have those losses.

She had so much to endure from a young age and thankfully she found ways to cope and shield herself from the many dark places that could have taken her in an opposite direction.

I've gotten to experience the many gifts of being part of a family, having a mix of friends from different times and places and hear their stories to tell. 

Our differences can often be opportunities for 
learning and sharing.. 

Our time here on earth is not known, 
lets not waste it.

PS. there are many great comments on You tube for her books as well. 

Thanks for your visit.

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1 comment:

  1. She's here today to help us live our lives better and not give up. Amazing words and lady. The world continues to need help with this journey.
