Friday, March 28, 2014

Words of Wellness

One Rose Wellness Cards

A friend of ours today shared that as a recent widower he was now getting help from the messages of my One Rose Wellness Cards.

I had given his wife a set years ago and he never used them, but since she's passed he started picking one every few days from the bowl to help him with his grief and to just take a moment to breathe.  He shared that they were helping him a lot.

I don't know how to respond other than wiping these tears, and the only word that comes to mind is Namaste.

Dona Anderson

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

That's Me!

I'm loving every minute

Next up Dr Wayne Dyer at the I Can Do It event in San Jose, CA Feb 1--2, 2014.

I was there and loving every minute!

I came home with so many books and left behind some of my paperback books that I took with me to share.  My ebook published by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House had just come out.  Get your own copy of Simply, One Breath At a Time here.


Dona Anderson


I initially published the post below on Oct 27, 2011 and I wanted to read it again as it seemed to be nudging me to see what had changed in my life since then.  Not much, though I have written more things about my book as it seems to provide me with endless gifts that I love to share.  I've stayed busy writing another book, Simply One Breath At a Time is now out in eBook formats through Balboa Press, I'm learning guitar, taking an online business course, and I'm sure other things but I can't remember them right now.  Anyway I hope you will enjoy the post and perhaps understand or connect with my old self and changes.

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A few months ago I was asked what I blog posted about, was it things from my book, and I answered no.  This was a great question and at the time I guess it really seemed odd to the person and to me that I would answer no.  I had to think about an answer then replied, I think it has been more about increasing awareness. 

So later I looked for a theme and presence/awareness was what seemed to be more often repeated.  I never used to have much awareness, I just went about my life with the busyness of home, family, and work.  I guess I have to again attribute my change to yoga.  That’s when I started noticing more things, paying more attention, noticing the space in between and leaving room for the space.  To me, Yoga is not just about what you do on the mat, it’s also a place to learn more about yourself, it’s a place to accept, nurture, improve upon, and it’s about what you then take out into the world. 

I found that instead of just wanting to do something, I started doing something, then finding more things that I could do, and one thing led to another.  I was encouraged on a deeper level to grow, move forward, sit in the front, talk to people, be comfortable with who I am,  to succeed on my terms with my limitations, and to enjoy even more how I dance and sing even when someone is watching. 

Lots of times I still get confused with myself because I don’t know how to process what I’m doing, getting into, or where it’s leading me.  Then awhile ago, I was reading a yoga teachers blog post about how the many middle and beyond aged ladies she was meeting despite their varying stories and challenges were now experiencing funnel shaped lives.  They were expanding their interests, passions, wisdom, fun, and using their talents for inspiring others wherever they could. 

This was interesting and maybe reflects some of what I’m doing as well.  l used to think we were supposed to be our best when we were younger, but I like this approach  better as I think I was just in training then to prepare me to now seek out and enjoy the other things that can come into and fill the rest of my life.  

I’ve been telling myself lately that I am happily broadening and expanding myself and it has nothing to do with the size of my waist or hips!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Guided Relaxation Meditations Preview

Sorry, the previews are no longer available.

Guided Relaxation Meditation Preview

Balboa Press

Roots to Breath, Dona Anderson

It is a great opportunity for me to share with you this preview of the first eight gentle, beginner relaxation meditations in my book Simply One Breath At a Time at this ebook link to the Balboa Press Bookstore.

These will get you started noticing and connecting to your body and breath which can be difficult for many of us who were/are living busy and stressful lives.  Even those of us who are older and retired can have a difficult time getting started as we don't know how to be still and relate to the words which can seem uncomfortable and unfamiliar to us at first.

Try out these eight samples and you'll soon begin to realize that simple everyday words can be very powerful, and you'll quickly begin to experience the gifts they bring to your life.

Let's look at a few of the words ... relax, bring, awareness, present, slowly, inhale, breathe, notice, feel, let, comfortable, tension, intention, open, calm, expand, rest, escape, gently, body, allow, release, participate, shift, normal, deeper, loosen, celebrate.

Later on in the book you'll see words like ... whole, thanks, offer, gifts, moments, home, life, layers, sensations, melt, choose, discover, touch, quiet, kindness, patience, freely, trust, precious, silence, rhythm, dreams, space, travel, aliveness, journey, begin, smile, peace, permission, because, discovery. 

Easy Right?

The best part is that is only takes a few minutes to adjust, and once you give yourself permission to explore and allow, you start to change.   Like most other things in our lives, it does take a bit of time, commitment, and practice.  One great thing is there is no right or wrong, you only have to spend a few minutes, and it is something that improves and builds.  A few minutes to just breathe and be still improves our lives as stress impacts so much of who we are, what we do, and how we relate to the moments and people in our life, not to mention how it affects our health.

I love it when I am able to share these gifts with others and be a witness to how a few simple words put together can make such a difference.  Enjoy!

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If you have questions, here are some Answers 

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

I Feel the Difference

Dona Anderson

Relax and Feel the Difference

Roots to Breath, Dona Anderson

Poem by Dona Anderson

Please read slowly and enjoy.

"If I take a breath and let it go slowly, I feel the difference...
When I feel the difference, I get a glimpse of what is possible...
When I get a glimpse of what is possible, I open up more...
When I open up and get in touch with the rhythm of myself,
I participate more fully in the movement to breathe freely, with intention...
When I breathe more freely, and with intention, I begin to live
with presence, and awareness...
This presence and awareness, graciously nourishes and fills
my body, my mind, and my spirit..."


This poem by Dona Anderson is from
Simply, One Breath  At a Time and it is
from the relaxation Permission to Rest.
Find it in the book and also the CD
Information on both here

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Video on the poem, The Cookie Thief

Video of the Poem, The Cookie Thief

Sharing a video I found about the poem The Cookie Thief, by Valerie Cox.

I have heard Dr Wayne Dyer share this poem a few times so I wanted to share it with you.

ENJOY, I don't know what the background music is but it fits nice

Monday, March 3, 2014

Dr. Wayne Dyer, PBS special

Wayne Dyer new PBS special

I have followed Dr Wayne Dyer for years on PBS and through his books.  Listening once to the PBS specials is never enough, they become my recorded events for the days to come and new ones are forever cherished.

I am so fortunate to have seen Dr Dyer live at the I Can Do It, Hay House event in San Jose Feb 1 talking about his new book, I Can See Clearly Now.  This new PBS special on the same title is a wonderful heartfelt longer version of what I heard there. 

I have his new book and will love it as stories help us move forward and learn from others. Wayne continually opens himself up to life and things we all go through to help us to build a better and more compassionate life. REALLY, what else is there to take us to a better place.

I hope you will tune into this very intimate conversation. A gift to all those who truly want to listen!

CHECK out your local PBS station for air time and date.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Tapping World Summit 2014

Tapping World Summit 2014

Already half way through and it is amazing. I watched it for the first time last year and have been following them through the year. I even got to see Nick live at the I Can Do It event a few weeks ago on San Jose. Amazing how quick we can start to make positive changes! I'm a believer!

I am cramming to listen to the sessions each day so I will get the downloads so I can listen again and again, so much information to capture from each speaker!

An amazing opportunity to learn, heal, and become aware of how this amazing and simple technique can be so powerful.

A few days left for the free sessions, and still time to get the various packages.  We can empower ourselves to live our best life!