Dona Anderson |
A Story of Friendship!
Part 2, The Rest of the Story
In case you missed it, link here to
part 1, Circle of Friends
Roots to Breath, Dona Anderson
In Part 1, I talked about the wellness circle I belong to and how getting together with others with the same interests is so rewarding.
A wellness circle turns into a Circle of Friends
We were four ladies and this is the rest of the story.
Last January I was getting ready to head out on our trip south for a month and Yippee, my last night at home was my night to go to Susan's for our circle, and a chance for me to say good bye before we left.
Susan had been having a weird feeling that week and she wanted us to go on an outing to see something so she arranged for the other two ladies of the group Rose and Helen to get a ride to her house and she would drive them home. I'm not in their town so I would just follow along in my car.
All evening she seemed anxious but also excited.
We had a nice evening and Susan's young puppy was playing tricks so we were all laughing and during our meditation even peeking to see what the pup was doing now.
At home time Rose and Helen got in Susan's car and I followed in mine. What Susan wanted us to see was a tree with white lights still on from Christmas that looked like an angel. We waved goodbye from the car and I headed home.
Right after Helen started to feel bad and wanted to get home right away which was only a couple of minutes away. She got worse along the way and died on her front lawn a few minutes later with Rose, Susan and neighbors there trying to help her.
I got the very sad news the next morning.
The last thing Helen really saw was that Angel tree and later we wondered about some of the things that went on like Susan being driven to show us that tree all week, that night Helen had again thanked me for autographing her copy of my book, and if they had gone home normally, Helen would have probably been in her house alone when she died rather than being surrounded by the love of her close friends.
Every time we meet since we know Helen is there with us, not wanting to miss our night. She is greatly missed by the community and so many others who loved her. I miss all her stories and one was that her aunt was blind and a friend of Helen Keller. She liked to bake to support her community, made PJ's for lots of little ones for Christmas, and she shared her wonderful Fruit Cake Recipe with me that I love and also shared. She lived alone in a big house after being widowed many years before and knew everyone around and all their generations of children and pets.
Here are a few paragraphs from the meditation I wrote titled, Stories to Tell
"What is your
story about … think about it for a few moments. You may just want to look at a
few chapters, or even one page. What is
there that you want to remember, share or record to pass on.
Many great
stories have been forgotten, not shared, or not thought of as significant at
the time, and many stories are not told just because they were from a different
place and time as ours will be one day.
What simple
ways can you keep your stories safe so they are handed down and treasured … think
of ways for you to tell others in the future about your life, and to also remember
others from the past that might get forgotten. The ones you knew that lived
through so many changes in their lifetime.
Maybe when you
write your stories, you can also dedicate a chapter or two to others you can
remember so they don’t get forgotten. You
can take them along with you into the future by telling a few of their stories,
and speaking about how their life and experiences were so different than yours.
They may not even know they are remembered, loved, or admired for their
struggles, strengths, courage, and for being like you, the best they could be.
Welcome this special time to become present, to think about
those who paved the way for your life, and to
reacquaint yourself with those that you wish
to remember and carry forward …
Welcome with anticipation this special time to
share your memories and experiences
with others to come …
Welcome with gratitude this special time to be with
yourself and all that you are! "
Except is from upcoming book
Moving Forward from the Heart
© Dona Anderson 2014
Thanks for reading this story!
Lots of times hearing stories of others inspires me to live my life differently.
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