Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What's Your Story?

I Had no Idea ...

About What?
 Lots of things ...
Dona Anderson

Deepak Chopra wrote “Our life is a timeline of choices.
When you expand your awareness seemingly random events
 will seem to fit into the larger purpose.”

When I was young I had no idea what I would be doing in my near future, so I definitely had no idea about this time of my life.  During my growing up years I lived in a small city and as many of you can relate to there didn’t seem to be much choice of jobs or careers for women, and it wasn’t a time of much change.   

At the time, I never really found my spark for the future, 

so like many others I just got a job

Dona Anderson

I remember years later after a few jobs, moves and children I liked to make fancy meals and I thought that I’d like to write a cook book. Then someone said, there were already lots in the store, why would you want to do one, so unfortunately I just let it go.  

I wish I had tried. 

It would have been fun and even if it didn’t work out it would have given us lots of great food to eat and share.

So I continued on with work, family life and found other things I liked to do when time allowed.  

One was to draw designs of homes.

I didn’t like where I lived so I’d spend hours thinking and designing what I would like. 

I also made stain glass jewelry, sewed my clothes for work, made teddy bears, walked a lot, and after repeated requests from my daughter, our house favorite and old family recipes were eventually typed up.   

 I guess all these things kept my creative side busy and looking for the next thing.

Since then my life has changed so much. 

My retirement activities have led me on a different unforeseen path that still totally amazes me.  

Where did all this come from?  

It’s funny now looking back how one thing leads to another.  The drawing of house plans led me to work on the design of our current home, and though my books are not cook books, I did initially refer to the individual meditations as recipes that had to fit together.

The making of the jewelry and teddy bears led me to selling products I made, which I am again doing.  My stress and sore back etc led me to yoga, and yoga led me to writing, other healing practices and so much more.

Now the world is overflowing with choices for work and activities. It is full of possibilities and you never know what will lead you to that next thing. 

And if you want to ... 

You can keep your spark going by discovering how to make something old or forgotten,
become new to you again!

(Like - Flapper Pie, riding a bike, puppies, puzzles, flowers, morning walks,
sunsets, or being in love!) 

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