Warm Summer Breezes ...
Have a seat for a few minutes.
Dona Anderson
I was looking for a Meditation the other day and came across this one that mentioned the warm breezes of summer.
So I decided to share it with you and let it Welcome all of us to this years summer starting in a few days.
This is from CLOSE your eyes. It's #20 in my book, Moving Forward from the Heart - page 60
Before we start imagine sitting on this bench and enjoying a few breaths to get yourself relaxed ... when you're ready, let this meditation relax you even more...
"When the soft warm summer breezes begin to blow, soften your eyes so you can see more clearly, and let yourself relax, renew and reflect.
Enjoy a big yawn or a stretch to open your body and mind ...
Now gently ...
Breathe in Strength
to send out gentleness
to help you move forward
to achieve greatness
Breathe in Joy
to take on your journey
to hear your heart sing,
Carry your heart songs out into the breeze
to be shared with the world .."
© Dona Anderson 2015
Before you go - rest and enjoy a few more minutes to let your breath take you to a place of gentleness to help you to move forward, achieve greatness, take on your journey and make your heart sing.
and then Let your breath
Carry your heart songs out into the breeze
to be shared with the world ..
i HOPE your day is full of warm summer breezes or if it's another season where you live, please enjoy what it offers you today as well.
And, you can add it to your Wellness toolbox to save for when it is summer or to enjoy any time!
Take Care.

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Don't miss the Summer of Music
starting July 2. You can get past years
in the archives for July & August 2017 & 2018.
Don't miss the Summer of Music
starting July 2. You can get past years
in the archives for July & August 2017 & 2018.
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It's already working and just a moment to share keeps it going.
See this post from a few weeks ago about where our sharing takes us.
Click on the label Moving Forward below for more from this book.
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