Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Remembering Rumi

February is -

 Heart and Love Month

and it continues with Rumi

Dona Anderson

My search for Love
took me back to Rumi,
13th century poet.

Celebrating Rumi, Last Class 

Several years ago I had a great time being introduced to so many wonderful poems by Rumi, and listening to them being read aloud by the different voices of the class.

I enjoyed some of the poems just as they were on the surface, while others beckoned me to look further and deeper.  

There can be many layers of interpretation as numerous thoughts and feelings arise. 

The more read the more experienced.  

Even as a beginner to these poems, some left me thinking about things, people and experiences in my own life, and some offered a glimpse of change in the way I look at things.

The last class was especially memorable.   

We got to take turns sharing one of our favourite poems with the class, and then something wonderful happened. 

One of the ladies brought to share the poem below.  

She also brought her classical guitar and had arranged music so she could play and sing the poem for us.  

For me, who had just started learning guitar, it was the best way to end this class, and let me know I was where I was supposed to be.

For me that day, it compared to a big bowl of the best fresh garden strawberries of my dreams on delicious smooth ice cream … in that moment - everything else melted away. 

I sat, loved it all, and wanted more!  

You & I - by Rumi

A moment of happiness,
You and I sitting on the veranda,
Apparently two, but one in soul, you and I.

We feel the flowing water of life here,
You and I, with the garden’s beauty
And the birds singing.
The stars will be watching us,
And we will show them
What it is to be a thin crescent moon.

You and I unselfed, will be together,
Indifferent to idle speculation, you and I.

The parrots of heaven will be cracking sugar
As we laugh together, you and I.
In one form upon this earth,
And in another form in a timeless sweet land.”
~ Rumi ~

Have you ever taken a course not knowing what to expect and loved it.

Sometimes I think adult learning is the most fun.

Ann - Thank You very much for creating this class which started the group on our exciting search for anything Rumi.

I still love to go on You Tube and listen to poems read aloud. 


As always, thank you for sharing 
these posts with others around the world. 
Together we're spreading Wellness, 
new ideas, self care, gratitude
and much more.

Here's a song
about long lasting love.

Rumi related posts on this Blog can be seen by using the label Rumi below.

Next week ends our Heart 
& Love month for this year.

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