Tuesday, November 24, 2020

What are you really busy with?

How do we Get more done in less time

See if this makes any
sense in Your life?

Dona Anderson

Weekly posts help support our crazy life.

How many of us have done this ...

Someone is on their way over and you rush around the house like a crazy person to clean it up.

You're intense, focused and no one gets in your way.

You only have a few minutes and ...


The door bell rings and you're all Smiles. 

So what happens all the other days.
Is this you?

                               It's me many times.

We let our self walk around with no real focus and one thing not finished finds us starting another.

A phone call or thought interrupts you and then you head off off in a different direction.

The sock in the living room may travel around the house and be left behind in yet another room.

Where did the morning go - you haven't even had your 2nd coffee or tea yet.

When I used to work

we had routines, daily and weekly chores, exercise times and to do lists to prepare for things but the holidays and long weekends set me up for not getting done in 3 days what I used to do in 2.

While computers make lots of things easier, they create more things to take your time and sometimes it's like watching TV, it's kind of being there, numb or unresponsive until it's time to eat or go to bed.

It takes us longer to get things done these days when you're on hold for hours or waiting for a call back. You need to do more paperwork for your statements, receipts and make online appointments.

More and more things that you have to do and less and less from the providers. 

You're being swamped with advertising, notifications and another hour goes by.

More things seem to build up and the list of things to do gets longer and longer.

Stress builds up, things get missed and on and on ...

What's going on
and do you need a bit of standing up and dusting off to get back into the World again and find out what makes your Heart Sing.

Where can you find HELP.
Let's make 2021 the year to say Enough and
get our life back - some of it at least.

How will you do it?

I know a lot of people are stressed and struggling with all the things that need to get done these days.

It's Something important to talk about and see what can help,

got any ideas - let us know in the comments.

PS - For the Vinyl Cafe lovers in the audience here's
a Christmas story you'll probably remember

No, it's not the one where Dave cooks the Turkey.

Bye for now, hope you're following by email
and you'll be back next week. 

In the meantime check out these ways to

Love it when the glacier sparkles.

Say the word calm as you breathe in ...

Can you feel calm as you breathe out ...

1 comment:

  1. In thinking about what to write for a comment My mind brought me to the Guided relaxation in my book Simply, One Breath At a Time titled Puzzles. It talks about how we have many puzzles (or they can be our stresses worries etc.) in our lives. How does this work, how do I do that, where should I go. It ends saying that our puzzles and our breath can work together... one inhale at a time ... one exhale at a time, one piece, one step, one breath ... be patient ... whatever your puzzle is, do your best with where you are ...
