Have You ever felt like
Running away?
Dona Anderson
With all the stress and worry in the World right now this is probably what a lot of us are thinking.
Story time.
The later 1950's kid version
One day a few of us on our block decided to "run away" well sort of.We got as far as the baseball diamond several blocks away and after getting something to eat that took all the money we had, we went home - tired, piggy banks empty and waited for supper.
Our big exciting get away only lasted a couple hours or so.
Mom never knew - (?) unless my sister told.
The adult version
For me,
Lots of time when life got confusing, stressful, too busy, broke, too many problems, chores, moving and even the pets as puppies took what little energy we had left, the thoughts of running away seemed to cross my mind.
But we survive,
and get through it the best we can.
We learn,
to ask for help, change the schedule, prepare ahead of time, relax and exercise more often and let go of some of the have to do's in favor of the want to do's.
to ask for help, change the schedule, prepare ahead of time, relax and exercise more often and let go of some of the have to do's in favor of the want to do's.
Thankfully - Life, home and work changes as years go by.
The pressures, expectations, roles all change as we grow, learn, prepare, age and manage our days and life.
No, I never did "Run Away" but I have to say it did feel good thinking about it for a few minutes.
What I should have done was taken a Wellness Day when needed.
And used more of the benefits that were available so I would have been much healthier and happier instead of having everything hurt for years.
That would have made a huge difference.
I give myself Permission to Rest
It's nice now that there are more wellness words, information, thoughts and services to use for your Self Care.
These words are normal now -
These words are normal now -
Spa days, Retreats, Meditation, Yoga, Relaxation, Homeopathy, Stillness, Acupuncture, Chiropractors, Massage, going for a run, or walk or just to stop
& take a breath.
What's on your list to help You?
Let us know in the comments.
new posts every Tuesday,
and Thanks for helping me spread Wellness around
the world by sharing at the links below.
PS. Honestly ...
I don't know where all this stuff comes from each week
but you get to come along with me to see what's next!
Take Care
That's our Scottie girl Lucy above.
She's 6 now - all grown up.
Are you a dog family or was in the past. We had dogs as kids and pretty much ever since. Lucy is our 4th Scottie and we have our 3rd Westie as well. Many years of Love, Walks, Hugs cuddles and foot warmers.