Tuesday, March 22, 2022

What are the words You remember?


and, they change over time. 

I saw this quote a while back and it seemed an important one to share.

Dona Anderson

I don't remember what I thought about at the time but since then it has taken on different words and memories when thinking back over the past years and things I and others have said.

The most important words we'll ever utter are those words we say to ourselves, about ourselves, when we're by ourselves. ~A.L. Walker~

The child version - trying to fit in, being the little sister/brother or the older one. Feelings about how our looks change over the years - will my teeth ever grow in, or how we look in that first pair of glasses.

The teenage version - I don't know anyone, I look weird, I don't like the new grades at school, finding new favorite songs and bands. Hoping the Boys or Girls like me. Hoping my clothes don't look out of place. Trying to put on makeup. Another pimple, Need a different hair style, when will I get taller.

I'm an adult now - Time for getting a job, perhaps going college or other education. What do I want to do? Who's going to hire Me? Can I do that?

Married and family life - Am I or are We doing this right. What do we really want our lives to be about. So much pressure & stress. I'm starting to have wrinkles. My hair is getting grey. We need more savings. I'm tired of all the housework, making meals, paying the bills and all the other things. Need to buy that winning lottery ticket.

Getting older - when can we retire. How do we pay the bills. My health is changing I can't do what I used to. I'm tired.

Senior - I need more help. Another visit to the doctor. What's wrong with me. I don't like that anymore. I don't remember. I need to exercise, but. How does that work. My clothes don't fit anymore, they're only 20 years old. I'm sad things are always changing. I hurt. My friends are leaving... It's too hard to get out. I'm lonely, The kids are busy.

Where will I end up?

PS. I always love seeing this plant start to bloom again. It just does it on its own in the same place and time every year. 

No help or needing to look at the calendar. 

Nature just knows what to do and in many cases, so do we.

I hope we can learn to relax and find more peace and comfort in our lives. 

Remember those good stories, fun times and laugh at the mistakes that taught you how to do it better the next time. 

Take Care. 

Links for sharing below.

The thoughts put into words can easily change, become different. 

I found this old post from 2014 and thought it would add into this post - like that the extra scoop to inspire us. .... here's the link.

I never know what I'll find in the Archives, but love it

 when someone else finds one that inspires me to share it again.

Over 700 now available to view, save & share.

New posts on Tuesdays.

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