Tuesday, April 30, 2019

8 Types of Wellness - Part 3

Part 3, the last 4 types of Wellness

Dona Anderson
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links to Part 1 

I did save the hardest for Last. 

Previously I mentioned that 4 of the 8 types were more related to the hard skills and 4 to the soft skills.  

Part 1 is the introduction to these 8 Wellness Types, and Part 2 talks about the 4 soft skills. Links to Part 1 and 2 above.

Message in Photo from
 Moving Forward from the Heart

These last 4 checked off on the list below are the more Hard skills, the teachable skills.

We wear many different hats as we move through life so all these would change considerably over a lifetime. 

I guess the best way to look at them is in the NOW. 

We can only work with - now. The past is gone and the now also allows us to learn and prepare for the future. 

The 8 types

In this wellness type we have to learn about money, how much comes in and goes out.

We have to figure out how to live within our means, be responsible for our spending, savings and figure out our wants vs our needs.  

We have to learn to manage our own bank accounts, pay our bills, groceries, rent, mortgages, loans and we still need some leftover to build up some savings.

This is a hard one where a lot of personal and outside things can affect it.

I sincerely hope you have comfort or are getting on the right path in this wellness type as it can greatly affect our success in many of  the other wellness types.

Our intellectual wellness is about lifelong learning, exploring new ideas and points of view. Learning new skills, hobbies, investing in your career or finding new ones as well as finding your passion and gifts. 

It seems each decade of our lives involve new learning and discoveries.  And, as the world changes so fast it can be mind boggling. It is also wonderful how we have more and more information at our fingertips to use and learn about. 

Thank You for sharing your wonderful passions and gifts in unique and meaningful ways.

This type would be about what gives us the time, pleasure or money to meet our lifestyle, family or leisure activities. It pays the bills and is somewhere to go every day and work with nice people. (?)

Maybe you went in the direction to follow your passion, your family business, that's all there is where we live or this one is giving me experience for what I want later.  Maybe even your hobby or other talent like singing turned into your future career.

There are all kinds of reasons we work here or there and the opportunities for change, learning and growth are endless.

I asked Google the average number of jobs we have now in life and it did say 5-7 which I thought but then some said 10, 11, 12.

I think our wellness here would look at whether it's meaningful, fulfilling, fits our skills and aligns with our values and interests. Does it excite you, challenge you, build up your energy, make You happy. 

This can sometimes be confusing as new information comes out all the time but the basics don't change much.  

We still have that old saying, We are what we eat, plus we have to exercise regularly, sleep well and take responsibility for our whole body health and wellness, and Don't forget the dentist.

We need healthy feelings, emotions, habits, lifestyle and activities for our whole body, mind & soul.

Many people benefit from  regular  routines, and we also need to get in touch with who you are now, and see if your food choices, TV watching, what you read, where you go etc is what you want  NOW, or is it still what you did 20 years ago and needs updating.

Some other things that help us would be reducing stress, have wellness practices such as yoga and meditation. We also benefit from strong family/friend connections, learning new things and lots more.

Here's more things to help us like massage therapy, acupuncture, reiki, singing, playing an instrument, go for a bike ride, walks on the beach or in a forest. Even sitting in your garden or a park and noticing the birds, dogs, people walking by can be fun.

I enjoy many of the things mentioned above and I also get cuddles, hugs and kisses from our Scottie dog Lucy.  She helps my Heart tell my brain to keep me healthy.

Hey we did it, we're done.

I hope it wasn't too painful and we're feeling a little more comfortable with the word Wellness that is used in multiple places, many more than I tackled.  

Over the years I've made many changes and probably tackled each one of these wellness types numerous times. 

Some things I've learned ...

We can change our Mind, have fun
learning new ways, habits and thinking

We can change our choices
and check out all the other things to try 

We can change what we eat
with new recipes and ingredients from around the world

We can change how we shop
to find better, safer products and less packaging

We can connect to nature and others more
when we put the cell phone & other devices down

We can change what we read and watch
just turn it off, change the screen or page 

We can change where we go
find out what others do, check for new places to go

We can change who we hang out with
join new groups and discover new activities

and, We can also learn that some things we felt we were
worst at can turn out to be our best thing to help us move forward.

The challenge becomes getting to know
 ourselves more and what we want & need.

I'll be working on a post for later this year
to share with you anything else I discover 
- hope it ends well.

Take Care

Thanks for your visit.

Check out my Facebook page for lots more everyday Wellness.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Ted TAlk - Judge Victoria Pratt

Showing Respect 

Dona Anderson
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Wonderful Lady.

We need more people like her everywhere.

I find the word Respect is slowly dwindling in many areas.

Wonderful to hear her story and how she works to make change and actually help others.

There are takeaways, little reminders for all of us.

Another contagious thing that's good for us.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Love the Tulips

The beautiful Colors and

fragrances of Spring,

and in this post we get time to 
Breathe & Relax 

Dona Anderson

I'm sharing with you two parts of the last guided relaxation titled, Permission to Rest in my book, Simply, One Breath At a Time, page 127.

The beginning. Go slowly and I like to repeat this several times.

Say to yourself... I give myself permission to rest...to become quiet, to simply be here.

After you pause to enjoy the photo, check out the ending.

Amazing Photo from last year

I can almost smell their wonderful Fragrance

continue slowly

Now, the ending.

If I take a breath and let it slowly, I feel the difference...when I feel the difference, I get a glimpse of what is possible...

When I get a glimpse of what is possible, I open up more...

When I open up and get in touch with the rhythm of myself, I participate more fully in the movement to breathe freely, with intention...

When I breathe more freely and with intention, I begin to live with presence and awareness...

This presence and awareness graciously nourishes and fills my body, my mind and my spirit ...

How do you want this moment to be...
exactly as it is...

© Dona Anderson 2008

Did you smell the Tulips?

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 to the Resources Page 

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New posts out on Tuesdays.

Dona's Photo for post only

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

8 Types of Wellness - Part 2

Today we start our look into 4 of the 8 Wellness types

Dona Anderson
Subscribe to Dona Anderson by Email

In case you missed it, 

For Part 2 we're going to look at the ones checked below.

As I was listing them I discovered we pretty much have 4 that are more related to the hard skills and 4 to the soft skills.

I hope my information lets us know a bit about these types and you can find out more by searching Google.

We'll be looking at the 4 types checked today.

Of course I wanted to start with the Soft Wellness Types.

I thought they'd be easier, but I don't know. I hope they are.

They're about our world, our earth as well as how we get through the day and interact with others. 

Wow, maybe I shouldn't have had this one at the top of the list.

Here's some things that affect our emotions - our thoughts, behaviors, stress level, feelings, life challenges, relationships, how we cope with life and more.

One more I have to add in here is that many of us carry a lot of fear around on a daily basis that is directed at us from multiple places. This is a huge stresser where emotions continue to go up and down and reduces our feelings of safety.

Most of us have never been taught how to deal with emotions like stress and trauma.

But over time as we age, mature, learn, listen and support ourselves we can start to build awareness, limit bad influencers, keep a positive attitude and use things like mindfulness, meditation and gratitude. 

We also have to be able to love, care for and forgive ourselves and others in a healthy way when needed.  

This one is about our Environment, Nature and World needs - how we connect and understand our impact on it in this busy and abundant world. 

This is also an area of some choice for whether we can recycle, compost, take public transit, eliminate toxins, take a bike ride on the weekend for fun, check out local markets, use more natural cleaners and reduce waste. 

Our environment surrounds us - below, above, the air we breathe, the earth our food grows in, the oceans & lakes the fish live in, the grass, the berries that are food and on. 

A couple more things I thought of here was all the waste from fast food & drinks, and thinking about our wants vs needs. Often we get caught up in the latest things or the newest fashion but do we need it. 

We want to believe the advertisement that we need this to be pretty or cool but you already are.

I learned that it takes 18,000 gallons of water to produce one pair of jeans and where DOES all the recycling really go.

Our wellness in this type has many factors - such as positive relationships, communication skills, respect for ourselves and others, having a sense of belonging and community, awareness of our choices of entertainment, what we read, watch and listen to. 

This is one type that melds with many of the other types such as emotional, occupational, spiritual and even environmental.

Life is a Gift that is supported by our family, social group, friends, club members, coworkers and neighbors. 

These all affect how we live and interact within our home, work and personal lives. 

Social support is essential for our survival.

Our team, tribe, safe spaces are all influenced by us opening our hearts, our sense of belonging, community and our choice of friends and influencers. 

This isn't about Religion.

It's about our having a sense of purpose and meaning in our life so that we feel full.

It's about balancing our inner needs and connecting to gratitude.

It's about having peace and harmony with the universe and compassion for others.  

Knowing that we can extend out great meaning and service to others with what might even seem like small acts of kindness.

Whether you find this playing with your children, in a Yoga class or Meditation group, hiking in the forest, swimming in the ocean, watching the stars at night, listening to music or volunteering and helping others, it's a very individual sense of something greater than yourself.

It may even be your magic, talents or dreams that you get to share with the world. 

That's it, the first 4.

Check out this Story about
a burger and my huge mistake.

Take Care & have a great day.

Part 3 is scheduled for April 30. 

The Message in Photo above is from my book,
Moving Forward from the Heart

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Albatrosses' Life-Long Bond Begins With Elaborate Courtship – Ep. 3 | Wi...

WOW... WOW... WOW.

Dona Anderson

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What amazing Birds! 

Hope you enjoy this wonderful short video that lets us in and be part of this beautiful experience.

It feels like we're sneaking in on their private life.


Wonderful to hear progress is being made to ensure the birds future safety.

Sometimes simple changes can make huge differences.

We need many more ...

Take Care - thanks for your visit.